This is the number of netizens that Nigeria has now and how it plans to increase that number …


By Momentum Securities

Premium Times reports that Executive Vice President of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Umar Danbatta, Tuesday described July 3, 2018 as a huge growth of the Internet with a number of Users reaching 103 million May.

million. Danbatta, who was represented by Haru Alhbadan, Director, New Media and Information Security of NCC, said this in Abuja at the Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) 2018. The theme of the forum is: Facilitator for good governance. "He said that it was an impressive growth of 28 million Internet users registered in 2012." This evolution shows the importance of Exploit the benefits of the Internet for good governance. This figure of internet subscriber data underlines the importance and value of the internet, "he said

Mr. Danbatta indicated that the commission would also authorize three additional infrastructure companies (INFRACO), bringing to seven the number of countries.It indicated that the three INFRACO were awaiting approval as the commission had previously authorized two infrastructure companies earlier in 2018 to lay the groundwork for the penetration of The two INFRACOs are Zinox Technology Ltd. for Southeastern Nigeria and Brinks Integrated Solutions Ltd. for the Northeast.

"Licenses are based on the NCC's licensed open model that complies with the national broadband plan 2013-2018. "More than a year ago, Mainone Cable Company had been licensed to provide services in Lagos, while HIS had obtained its permit to cover ir the geopolitical zone of north-central, including Abuja. "This event is very important for bringing different stakeholders together to discuss issues of Internet governance," said Mr. Danbatta, Vice Chancellor of Nasarawa State University, Mr. Muhammad Mainnima. was close to the general elections of 2019.

M. Mainnima, represented by Grace Pennap, Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University, said that information and communication technology (ICT) would have an important role to play in elections. "While we are in agreement that the Internet can promote good governance, it is important to think about how to make Nigeria's cyberspace safe and secure. Therefore, I hope Sincerely, this year's conference will bring a positive value to good governance stories powered by the Internet, "he said.

According to data released by the NCC in December 2017, Airtel, MTN and Globacom earned more Internet subscribers during the month in review while 9mobile was the biggest loser. Data breakdown revealed that MTN won the most with 2,642,666 new Internet users who increased their subscriptions in December to 36,069,597. He stated that Airtel won the most with 911,040 new Internet users in December, bringing its total to 23,985,203. Globacom gained 87,538 new users in December, bringing its total to 26,997,817.

Social Commerce, like WeConnect Nigeria, is the next evolution in the dynamic between social networks and e-commerce, bringing a new twist to the interaction with friends and shop for products online and most of the time using traditional media as a way to engagement of the platform through television shows. Cost, scalability, power outages and educational barriers are just a few of the many challenges facing mbadive Internet deployment on the continent, including Nigeria, so the growth observed despite these challenges is a positive result.

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