This is what Kenyans think of Sonko and the Joho meeting – Nairobi News


Social media Kenyans drew quick conclusions on the meeting of these two governors.

Mombasa Governor Hbadan Joho enthused the online community after paying a courtesy call to Nairobi governor Mike Sonko in his City Hall offices.

The images shared by Mr. Sonko show the two men dressed in their suits at the conference on the blue economy that is taking place at the KICC in Nairobi.

Joho was wearing a black suit while Sonko was wearing a navy blue suit.

"Earlier today, at an impromptu meeting with Mombasa Governor @HbadanAliJoho at Nairobi City Hall, on the sidelines of the KICC Blue Economy Conference" , tweeted Sonko.


However, this is not what has created trouble among Kenyans online. KOT and its counterparts from other social media platforms have come up with hilarious conclusions about what they are saying.

Others even went so far as to prophesize what a future political allegiance would look like between the two.

"You look good together, you should be doing a good company together," Slim said.

"The possible composition is 2022. The problem is who will be what!" Said Cosmas Nzulee.

Coups exchanged

"One comrade has disappeared to complete the equation. Waititi from Punjab, "commented Abudulla Mohd.

"The city hall called Mombasa watoe wapi vitama kama hizi," said Hussain Said.

"Who will make the other misspelling? hahaa, I'm just a Kenyan, "Suzie Su said.

"Kweli, the handshake had a positive impact … Is it the man you almost exchanged blows a few years ago in Mombasa?" Asked Sam MK.

"Joho president, Viceko, president of Sonko, in 2022, you can create a necessity, we need young and dynamic leaders like you," said Victor Bin Vikey.

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