Trump gloats like Mueller gives Dems little support for dismissal: The Standard


  • AFP July 25, 2019 08:38:22 GMT +0300
The former special council, Robert Mueller, made an eagerly awaited appearance at Capitol Hill to testify about his explosive report on Russian electoral interference – and on the possible role of Donald Trump's campaign. [AFP]

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, said Wednesday that the investigation into the interference and obstruction of Russia was a "big hoax", while the Democrats gathered valuable news ammunition for their indictment during the marathon testimony in front of the Congress of the head of the investigation Robert Mueller.

In his highly anticipated appearance, Mueller said that he had not exonerated Trump of allegations of obstruction, but again declined to accuse the US president of his arrest. a crime or recommend to Congress to do so.
Answering questions about his investigation for the first time, Mueller, with a trembling and sometimes uncertain voice, did not go beyond the facts set out in his final investigation report and refused dozens of times to answer questions. Democrats and Republicans.
Mueller's report, released in April, described a series of attempts at cooperation between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia, which did not correspond to a criminal conspiracy – and at least 10 cases of alleged interference in the Trump investigation.

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But the former FBI director denied Democrats seeking an impeachment trial their number one goal, an unequivocal statement on national television that Trump had obstructed the justice system.
The Republicans quickly stated that the investigation on Russia was over and Trump said it was "a very big day" for himself and the country.
"There was no defense against this ridiculous hoax," he told reporters.
"All this has been three years of embarrbadment and a waste of time for our country."
"The Democrats have lost so big today," he added.

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Trump's not exculpated
The nationwide televised marathon day did not resolve the outcome of Mueller's investigation, which lasted 22 months and which scandalized and sometimes shaken the White House.
The two parties intensified their campaign for the November 2020 presidential and legislative elections, while Trump was determined to reiterate his dazzling victory in 2016.
The former special advocate began his testimony with a statement that he was perhaps ready to respond to Trump's personal attacks against him and his investigators, who were conducting a political "witch hunt".
"The president has not been exculpated for the acts he allegedly committed," Mueller told the court's Judiciary Committee categorically.

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He explained that he could not have charged Trump because the rules of the Ministry of Justice forbade him to charge a sitting president.
And later, he added that Trump could theoretically be charged after leaving office.
But beyond that, the 74-year-old veteran attorney had little to add, failing to clear up the confusion among the American public about the conclusions of his dense report.
He answered many questions by directing the legislator towards the document, while sometimes appearing to forget or not knowing the details that it contains.
In his opening statement, he described Russian electoral intervention as "the most serious threat" to American democracy, but he hesitated at more dramatic statements, describing as "disturbing" and "problematic" some of the incidents. the most famous attempt of the Trump and Moscow campaign.

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Dems still weigh against dismissal
The Democrats, who last week refused to press for a dismissal motion in their own ranks, said Mueller's testimony added to the case for dismissing the president and that they would continue to seek information likely to advance the file.
"We are fighting the president in court" for archives and testimony, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said after Mueller's appearance.
"If we have a case of impeachment, that's where we will have to go," Pelosi said. "We want to have the strongest case possible to make a decision."
But Republicans insisted that Mueller's testimony should put an end to the investigation.
"The Americans understand that the problem is solved, they also understand that the case is closed," said Trump's lawyer Jay Sekulow in a statement.

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