Uganda prohibits alcohol sold in sachets


Uganda has banned the consumption and sale of alcohol in sachets, which, according to the authorities, threaten public health.

Small packages of plastic spirits – sometimes up to 45% proof – are preferred by low-income people because they are cheap and cost only 13 US cents (Sh13).

Ugandans are among the biggest consumers of alcohol in Africa.

The country's beverage manufacturers are now required to package alcoholic beverages in bottles of at least 200 ml.

Ugandan Minister of Commerce and Cooperatives Amelia Kyambadde said the bags were even bought by schoolchildren.

"Because this alcohol is affordable, people carry it in their bags, their geometry, in their pockets, and its consumption rate has been very high," she said.

Reports show that some Ugandans fear that the ban just pushes drinkers to buy rather illegal moon alcohol.

Uganda has the seventh highest rate of alcohol consumption in Africa, according to the WHO 2018 report on the world alcohol situation.

Some 21 percent of Ugandans engage in drinking, according to the WHO.

The ban is one of the few measures taken by Uganda to try to reduce alcohol abuse.

There is no written national alcohol policy and very little regulation on the availability of alcohol and advertising.

However, the government says that it is also working on a law to regulate alcohol produced at home.

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