Ugandan activist sentenced to nine months in prison for poem on vagina


A feminist and Ugandan activist reacted with fury and defiance after being sentenced to nine months in prison for publishing a metaphorical poem about the birth of President Yoweri Museveni and her mother's bad.

Stella Nyanzi was convicted of "cyber-harbadment" on Thursday and sentenced Friday for posting a Facebook poem using graphic images as a metaphor for Museveni's "oppression, repression and repression" during her 33 years of reign.

She was sentenced to 18 months but has already served nine months at the Luzira Women's Prison after publishing the verse which, according to Judge Gladys Kamasanyu, should never have been placed in the public domain. describing it as "obscene" and "indecent", with suggestions that "can only be made by an immoral person."

The final decision was delivered Thursday and Friday in the Buganda Road Court of First Instance.

On Friday, Nyanzi appeared in court only on a television screen of Luzira Prison. Furious at not being allowed to physically attend the final judgment, the activist shouted repeatedly: "Fuck you, f *** you," lifted the middle two fingers and flopped her bads. Nyanzi's undressed as a form of protest in the past, and some commentators have termed it "radical grossness".

The academic was also charged with "offensive communication", but was declared innocent for this leader

The decision was made after an unsuccessful review of the case by the Ugandan High Court earlier in the week.

The Nyanzi team sought review on nine grounds, including the fact that the trial court had "acted unlawfully, improperly and improperly in closing the accused's case without giving him the necessary or necessary means to present evidence ".

Nyanzi's lawyers did not appear in court on Thursday or Friday, which allowed the activist to be heard in response to the statement by the public prosecutor.

"I had planned to offend Yoweri Museveni Kaguta because he has offended us for more than 30 years," Nyanzi said Thursday, explaining that she was disappointed not to be found guilty to have offended the president "because that is what serious mothers in Uganda should be doing".

A sentence from a poem posted on Stella Nyanzi's Facebook account on Thursday reads: "I have never been to this Court for justice. I came to your yard to play the game of politics. "

Nyanzi's speech in Thursday's courtroom also focused on the living conditions of women in prison and the sacrifice of her motherhood role for her three children to "tell the truth to power."

About 130 members of the public gathered in court on both days, some dressed in blue Stella Nyanzi T-shirts representing the opposition party, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and others wearing banners. red "power of the people" berets – hats worn by Bobi supporters. Wine, a musician turned opposition politician in Uganda.

A large police deployment did not stop the Nyanzi allies from singing and singing, and one woman swore to "sing the Ugandan national anthem until justice was done". While Nyanzi made his statement Thursday, the audience shouted "the power of the people" and the academic herself. directed a song of "strong opposition".

While the magistrate read the last sentence of the academic Friday, his voice was barely heard among the cries of Nyanzi supporters. While some were coming out of the courtroom upon hearing the sentence, others were still screaming and singing.

The decision ended in agitation, as a plastic bottle was thrown at the magistrate and police clashed in the audience in the courtroom, which was later evacuated.

Addressing the media after the incident, Ingrid Turinawe, a FDC politician and Nyanzi ally, explained that when people saw Nyanzi on TV, she "quarreled, she protested, she cried and that caused a lot of anger among the people who supported her. "

Turinawe added that members of the opposition party in the courtroom had been arrested.

Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesman Patrick Onyango told CNN that six people had been arrested on charges of badault, deliberate damage and contempt of court.

They are a "group of unruly and unruly people," he added.

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