Ukrainians fear escalation with Russia


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A Ukrainian soldier went to the port city of Mariupol while observing a thick fog covering the sea of ​​Azov. He fears that the weather will make it more difficult to observe the "enemy".

His unit is on alert after a confrontation between Ukrainian and Russian ships this weekend in the Kerch Strait, a narrow strip connecting the Azov and Black seas.

"Every time we receive order, we are ready to repel an attack and defend our positions," said the 26-year-old. AFP, giving his nickname Kit, or "whale" in Ukrainian.

"Border guards patrolling the sea are the first line of defense, and if their positions are destroyed, we will take the hit," he says.

On Sunday, Russia opened fire and seized three Ukrainian vessels. Kiev and its Western allies demand that Moscow release the ships and their sailors.

"Our ships were moving peacefully towards Mariupol and they were attacked," Kit said. "We have all been alerted."

If the long-standing conflict between Ukraine and Russia was to intensify, Mariupol would probably be in the front line.

The industrial city has already experienced the war, after being briefly occupied by pro-Russian rebels at the beginning of the conflict in 2014, a strategic badet in a stand-off between Moscow-backed forces in Kiev.

It was taken over by government forces after a few days and remains the only major city in southeastern Ukraine under the control of Kiev.

In 2015, 31 people were killed during a bombing in Mariupol and 100 others were injured.

Today, the port city is only about 10 kilometers from the front line separating the government-controlled territory from the rebel republics backed by Moscow.

In Chervone, a village south of Mariupol, about 60 people dig trenches in an attempt to protect the city from a Russian advance.

They are all members of a volunteer center that helps children in need. Even the children have been mobilized to help adults dig new pits.

"A few hundred meters from here are our children, our families, a refugee aid center," said Gennady Mokhenko, a Pentecostal pastor who founded the center.

"In case of Russian attack from the sea, these trenches will become a front line in just a few minutes," said the 50-year-old, adding that he was ready to fight for it. ;Ukraine.

"I hope this will never happen," says the pastor, wearing a metal crucifix on his chest and a camouflage.

Bohdan Petlitsky, 22, a former student of the center, says he is willing to give up his firefighter job to join the army.

"If there is an attack, I will be ready to take a weapon to defend Ukraine and Mariupol," he said.

Not everyone is so fearful.

Mykola, a 52-year-old man who was working on an Azov seaside sports field, said: "Even if Russian paratroopers come here, that does not mean it will be a bad thing. all brothers. "

At this moment, he says, "I do not think anything serious can happen."

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