US cuts aid to Zimbabwean action groups ahead of elections


The United States announced Monday that it had cut off funding for three Zimbabwean civil action groups by invoking "possible misuse" of money before the elections of 30 July, the first vote since the ouster of Robert Mugabe. Development (USAID) has reduced its support to the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), the Electoral Resource Center (ERC) and the Advisory Services Unit (CSU).

"We had to cut a bit of funding." US Embbady spokesman David McGuire told AFP that USAID was providing help every year. about $ 250 million in Zimbabwe

Okay Machisa, director of ZimRights, confirmed "

" This has started our programs, but that does not mean we are closing shop. "Machisa said at AFP that Zimbabwe was holding presidential, parliamentary and local elections at the end of this month under international scrutiny after the previous elections over the 37 years of Mugabe's government were tainted by corruption and violence. [19659002] President Emmerson Mnangagwa, 75, who succeeded Mu gabe, promised a free, fair and credible ballot.

Mnangagwa, of the ruling Zanu-PF party, faces opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, 40, of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party in a presidential race with 23 candidates.

The US Embbady said on Twitter that "following regular internal control, USAID has become aware of the possible abuse funding of US aid."

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