[VIDEO] Obama lands in Kenya, meets Uhuru and Auma at State House


Former US President Barack Obama landed Sunday afternoon at Nairobi's JKIA for a two-day visit that will allow him to launch the foundation of his half-sister

Obama's surrender at State House in Nairobi where he met with President Uhuru Kenyatta. his sister Auma.

Uhuru thanks him for keeping his promise to visit in 2015 after his tenure as president

Obama visits, for the fifth time, as a private citizen and can also meet with the Opposition leader Raila Odinga. The president praised him for creating the Obama Foundation, which seeks to empower young people to become the agents of change that Africa needs.

The two leaders agreed that young Africans could become the most valuable badet of the continent if their energy and creativity were efficiently exploited.

Uhuru, Vice President William Ruto and several senior government officials badured the former US leader of all African leaders' support in expanding youth programs through its founding.

The president offered Obama, a famous author, two books on Kenya's youth and success stories over the past 50 years. The books are entitled "A Generation Aspirations: Kenya's Youth" and "Kenya at 50."

The Old World US President Barack Obama with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his sister Auma at State House in Nairobi, July 15, 2018. / PSCU

Obama is in the country to support Auma in setting up the Sauti Kuu Foundation in K & Ogelo, Siaya County.

Security was strengthened in Nairobi, Kisumu and Siaya for the visit of the ex-president.

Auma said that his foundation aims to change people's mindsets so that they realize that there are opportunities that they can use. The facility includes a sports center as well as a section of resources and professional training.

More information: Launch of "Sauti Kuu": 400 dignitaries accompany Obama to Kenya

From Kenya where he will also visit his ancestral home in Alego Nyang & oma, Obama will will travel to South Africa where he will deliver the opening address of Nelson Mandela's 16th Annual Lecture

. More than 4,000 people are expected at the Ellis Park Arena conference in Johannesburg on July 17th. 19659002] According to the New York Times, Obama should spend five days in Johannesburg

He will organize meetings, workshops and train more than 200 young people.

Read: The Obama Conference on Mandela Wisely Happens Democracy

Also read: Oprah skips Kenya's visit when Obama arrives

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