We need the Internet for inclusive education – Minister


By Emmanuel Elebeke
Communications Minister Dr. Adebayo Shittu says Nigeria needs internet access to ensure quality and inclusive education in the country.

The Minister of Communications, Adebayo Shittu

remarks by declaring open the 2018 edition of the "Forum on Internet Governance in Nigeria & # 39; in Abuja, with the theme: "Internet: a catalyst for good governance"

He emphasized the use of the internet as the driving force of the educational process. He said that "the task of improving the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people is not just for the government, but for the government."

& # 39; & # 39; Many Nigerians do not have access to the Internet, but I can badure you that the Ministry remains committed to ensuring that Internet access is extended to all parts of the country. We do not have access to the Internet, but we know that when they are connected, they can achieve extraordinary things. Internet belongs to everyone.

Shittu, who stressed the need for collaboration among stakeholders, called for improved engagement among sector stakeholders. He also urged the public to facilitate the growth and adoption of the Internet as a tool to improve the quality of life of Nigerians.

The minister reiterated the government's desire to seek a more pressing role in Internet governance and technology. would continue to push the boundaries of accepted normative standards, adding that the country could not afford to lag behind the rest of the world.

"We must anticipate the possibilities that the Internet still needs to bring.
" The promise that the Internet held 26 years ago is still true and we will continue to believe and defend the benefits that we have. It brings, the ability to inspire and its ability to change people's lives.

"Nigeria represents a dynamic change, new ideas and the next generation of leaders. An internet that includes Nigeria means an Internet that exists for the good of all people. One that is shaped by diversity, inclusion, and equal voices, "he added.

He however expressed concern over the illegal use of the Internet to perpetrate the crime in society

will continue to attempt to divert the very nature of the Internet to cause harm where it was designed to help.

"However, we have a moral responsibility to protect our culture , our young people and other vulnerable groups on the Internet.

"We see the issue of online child safety as very important and we will continue to do all that is necessary for our youth to get in the right direction," he said.

In his presentation, the Vice Chancellor of the State University of Nasarawa, Keffi, Prof. Muhammad Mainnima, said that information and communication technology (ICT) had an important role to play in elections

"While we are in agreement to promote good governance, cy "Therefore, I sincerely hope that this year's conference will add value to good governance stories powered by the Internet." The Stakeholder Advisory Group, Ms. Mary Uduma, said that NIGF was the initiative. United Nations Internet Governance (UN) approved by the world in 2005.

According to Uduma, NGIF is a platform of stakeholders "We brought experts on the internet to dissect this as part of the global discussion in the areas of accessibility, diversity, cybersecurity and trust.

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