Why Uhuru is the same trend in South Africa – Nairobi News


President Uhuru Kenyatta has become a topic of memes in the South African Twitter sphere.

The South Africans who followed the Global Citizen Festival realized that they were using President Kenyatta's photos in their memoirs.

This is after the televised statement of President Kenyatta's speech at the Global Citizen concert.

Cyril Ramaphosa, from South Africa, had invited African Heads of State to the Festival, in tribute to Nelson Mandela's legacy, which commemorated the 100th anniversary of his birth in 1918.

Presidents from Ghana, Rwanda and Sierra Leone attended the festival, which included a Sunday concert with performances by stars such as Beyoncé, Jay Z, Usher and Pharrell Williams.

The festival was co-organized by Oprah Winfrey.

The guy in the same is the president of Kenya! ??? ??♀️?? SHOOK#GlobalCitizenFestivalSA #Citizen global # Mandela100 pic.twitter.com/fZP6GKkm9i

– NOMFUSI LENGS (@NomfusiLengs) December 2, 2018

How is it that you did not go … in fact here it's called BAZENGAAA … you put that as the accent of your SA … ok pic.twitter.com/xwXJjqgpAk

– Uncle Justin (@justinvisavee) December 2, 2018

Kenyans have dived to offer more photos to South Africans.

Sis, he is wild here please, take it and give us Malema pic.twitter.com/G4hTXxMyU8

– A man does not have a president (@rmwendwa) December 2, 2018


– KARIA ? (@ItsKaria_) December 2, 2018

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