Will geopolitical struggles in the region allow China to dominate?


China's top foreign policy makers, including the entire standing committee of the political bureau, convened a landmark conference on "peripheral diplomacy". At the conference, President Xi Jinping categorically formulated the nodal points of peripheral diplomacy, arguing that "the central concern of peripheral diplomacy is the stability of stability in the country." The surroundings of China. China must invest its energy in promoting regional economic integration by orchestrating connectivity and infrastructure. It is urgent that China build a regional economic order by developing an economic belt of the Maritime Silk Road and the 21st Century Silk Road.

The conference is considered a critical point in the evolution of Chinese foreign policy. It represents a significant leap towards the outside of part of China, which has striven to build economic, political and strategic fortifications around its environment and to badert itself at the same time. Global scale. China's political and geostrategic affirmation in the world underlies its rise as a geo-economic superpower, second only to the global economic and political decline of the United States.

In addition, the company 'Belt and Road & # 39; is generally motivated by major geostrategic objectives. The Sino-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a clbadic example that corroborates the above-mentioned statement. It is a flagship element of the Belt and Road initiative. The proximity of Gwadar Harbor to the Persian Gulf reduces the distance traveled by Chinese ships for energy supply, traveling all along the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia. The port should become a transshipment point meeting the energy needs of China

Gwadar is, among other things, an ocean-going port facilitating the accommodation of submarines and aircraft carriers. In this context, the port should also serve as a crucial naval center for the People's Liberation Army Navy for its shipping activities, thus strengthening the Blue Water Strategy in China. Overall, China is vigorously capturing its mbadive economic power and huge foreign exchange reserves to consolidate its position in the region, in particular, and around the world.

Insufficient political understanding of the security problems and political instability faced by others are some of the major challenges of the beloved IRB led by China

. Apart from the previous debate, the belt and road are generally seen as a strategic counterweight on the part of Xi's regime to the Obama administration's "Pivot to Asia" game. It seems logical that Xi initiated the company as a counterweight to US policies and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the wider regions of the Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific . However, on the other hand, Trump 's arrival in power following the 2016 US presidential elections and the subsequent cancellation, by the Trump administration, of the TPP in 2017 added from shine to the IRB. As a corollary, such an initiative on the part of Washington may have damaged its credibility with its allies in the region. In addition, the movement has come a long way in promoting Beijing's image as the new "champion" of free trade in the world. Beijing is committed to developing regional trade pacts and partnerships, including a global belt economic partnership and a regional partnership. The facts show that some regional allies of the United States are turning more and more to the sphere of Chinese influence for economic leadership. The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, for example, has – peacefully – begun a cordial agreement with Beijing – despite the outstanding disputes over the islands of the South China Sea.

Realistically, the literature on the geopolitics of the IRB reveals that its geostrategic dimensions are exaggerated to the detriment of its broader geo-economic goals. Nevertheless, the two imperatives are not contradictory, but rather complementary in their very nature. In fact, China is trying to badert itself in the region by creating a vast network of economic integration across the IRB. The underlying goal of China is to establish a regional production chain that would allow it to become the center of innovation and sophisticated manufacturing – basically a normalizer.

In addition, the central axis of the Chinese belt and road project Reasons: through close economic integration with regional economies, promote regional progress in China; exporting Chinese standards, modernizing Chinese industry; and, deal with the question of excess capacity. To this end, by bringing together the regional economies closely with Beijing in a complex interdependence structure through the belt and road initiative, drawing much of the motivation of such theorists as Joseph H. Nye and Robert Keohen, China is better suited to achieve

Nevertheless, an insufficient political understanding between / among some states participating in the OBOR, combined with security problems and political instability faced by D & # s 39; others, is one of the major challenges of the beloved IRB led by China. In addition, the initiative, with its politico-economic orientations, contains the seeds of global cooperation and coordination as well as a large-scale global conflagration with geopolitical ramifications. previous. The geopolitics of the ports and pipelines of Beijing's nascent business represent a substantial threat to Washington's global hegemony. In short, regardless of its limitations and / or qualifications, the perceptive Beijing Silk Road project has considerable potential to transform the global geopolitical landscape.

The author can be contacted at [email protected] [19659002] Posted in Daily Times, July 26 th 2018.

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