Xi calls on the BRICS to preserve multilateralism


On July 27, 2018, the BRICS block of emerging countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, concluded its 10th annual summit in Johannesburg, Africa from South. Cooperation Between the Five Countries in an Age of Global Uncertainty

From 25 to 27 July, under the theme "The BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", the Summit saw the signing of a joint declaration on 26 July, with 102 individual commitments.

BRICS Plus Cooperation

Certainly, this year's BRICS multinational meeting was significant as it represented the de facto rise in BRICS Plus cooperation adopted at the Xiamen Summit of Last year. The presence of state leaders and officials from Angola, Argentina, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Gabon and 16 other country has demonstrated the inclusion, trust and openness of the BRICS.

It can be said that the Johannesburg Summit opened the door for emerging market economies and provided profitable opportunities for these least developed countries.

BRICS Largest Role

According to the Johannesburg Declaration, the Five Nations Group will begin to play a greater role in joint initiatives ranging from economic connectivity and sharing. expertise in industrial development, technological research, cooperation in pharmaceutical research and cultural exchange. In short, the five countries have vowed to help each other to tackle everything from terrorism to drought.

Xi Jinping: Building a Community with a Common Future for Humanity

July 26, President Xi At the plenary session of the Johannesburg Summit, Mr. Jinping delivered an inaugural speech entitled "Turning Our Vision into Reality", which announced a new call for other counterparts and developing countries to advance globalization and reject protectionism. He urged the BRICS countries to deepen their strategic partnership and to work towards the opening of a second "Golden Decade", which is most appropriate in the current circumstances.

The language and slogans emanating from the meeting are in contrast to those that the world often hears from President Trump. While the American president speaks of "America first", Xi's humanistic and collaborative approach is "Mankind First", which is gaining more and more respect from the international community.

New Industrial Revolution

In keeping with the theme of this year's meeting, Xi Jinping opened his speech by highlighting the need for the new industrial revolution and proposing initiatives on the future development of BRICS cooperation. Xi said, "The BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution (PartNIR) is not just about the BRICS countries but also about other emerging economies and developing countries." It can be argued forcefully that the BRICS partnership at the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution brings BRICS members closer to the field of industrialization.

There is no doubt that China's experience in artificial intelligence, automation and high-speed rail network makes it an ideal partner for India if The latter wants to develop its manufacturing sector

As a responsible and responsive leader in world affairs, Xi stressed that the BRICS countries must remain committed to promoting free trade and trade. Investment through the opening. During his speech, he never uttered the names of Trump or even the United States, but threw China as a standard-bearer of free trade in the midst of the growing backlash against globalization. He called on global institutions like the United Nations and the WTO to make a concerted effort to fight against unilateralism and protectionism. Undoubtedly, as a result of Trump's tariff threats, Xi's speech sent a clear signal to preserve multilateralism and reject protectionism.

Expanding Trade Between Peoples

That the BRICS should aim for greater interpersonal connectivity and more popular support for BRICS cooperation through in-depth exchanges in the fields cultural, educational, health, sports, tourism and others.

Without a doubt, President Xi's speech in Johannesburg set the stage for the BRICS role in global governance. At the same time, his speech was a significant signal to the international community that present-day China has earned the right to play a leading role in shaping the new world political and economic order, promoting peace and prosperity, the world over. harmony and happiness for all. .

Rabi Sankar Bosu, Secretary of the New Horizon Radio Listeners' Club, West Bengal, India

Opinion articles only reflect the point of view of their authors, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.

! – Enpproperty 57905869 2018-07-31 10: 03: 42: 337 By Rabi Sankar Bosu Xi Calls on the BRICS to Preserve Multilateralism Xi Jinping, BRICS, China [19659026] By Rabi Sankar Bosu By Rabi Sankar Bosu 1007 7074949 Our Favorites Our Favorites http://images.china.cn/site1007/2018-07 / 31 / 0d283351-343e-43c2-91f4-6b5fb8da003a.jpg http://images.china.cn/site1007/2018-07/31/0d283351-343e-43c2-91f4-6b5fb8da003a.jpg http : //images.china.cn/site1007/2018-07/31/0d283351-343e-43c2-91f4-6b5fb8da003a.jpghttp://images.china.cn/site1007/2018-07/31/0d283351 – 343e-43c2-91f4-6b5fb8da003a.jpg http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/2018-07/31/content_57905869.htm null [19659038] 徐林 China. org.cn This year's BRICS multinational meeting was significant as it represented the de facto rise of the cooperative. ion BRICS Plus. 1 / enpproperty ->

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