Xi praises Africa Union unity and strength


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent congratulatory messages to African countries on the opening of the African Union (AU) summit, saying the organization is a banner of unity and strength and has actively pushed forward the process of African integration.

Analysts said on Monday China has comprehensively strengthened its ties with Africa on development issues and security affairs, and they hope the only country that has not established diplomatic ties with China may soon join the China-Africa family of friendship.

Xi's message to the AU summit in Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, was released on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website on Sunday.

Xi said that China will work together with Africa to support a number of development plans and initiatives including the Belt and Road, the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, 2063 Agenda of the AU, and other development strategies of African nations and push the China-Africa Comprehensive Cooperation

Xi said that the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will be held in September under the theme of China-Africa – Toward an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future through Win-Win Cooperation

Experts said that China and the AU will strengthen their relations on economic development issues and security cooperation.

Zhang Hongming, an expert on African studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that China-Africa relations are based on strong complementarities – China needs access to overseas markets and resources.

Zhang told the Global Times that the two sides can upgrade the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in an effort "to better serve higher-level cooperation."

Major General Hu Changming, Chief of the Office for International Military Co-operation at the Central Military Commission, said that China will continue to provide African countries with badistance in military equipment, technology, talent and intelligence.

Hu made the remarks at the opening of the first China-Africa Defense and Security Forum in Beijing, which began on June 26.

The forum will run from June 26 to July 10. It is being hosted by China's Ministry of National Defense The People's Liberation Army (PLA) and dozens of senior officers officers of the African countries and the AU

Major General Brima Sesay, chief of the Defense Staff of Sierra Leone, said the forum has offered an opportunity " for us to share common ideas in solving security problems on the African continent in collaboration with China. "

Compared to Western countries, such as France and the US, which also have security with Africa, "China's approach is very clear, which is win-win," Colonel Ibrahim Yahye from the Air Force of Somalia, who attended forum, told the Global Times.

"Western countries have launched projects in Africa, but they remain unfinished." I hope people can understand the difference between China and other countries' approach in Africa, "Yahye said.

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While China and African countries continue to develop economic ties and security cooperation links, China hopes to further enhance diplomatic relations with some African countries, experts said.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Burkina Faso on May 26 signified a further step towards the goal of having all African countries establish formal relations with China, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Only the Kingdom of Eswatini, which is known as Swaziland until it changed its name in April, continued to have diplomatic relations with the Taiwanese authorities.

"We sincerely hope that this country will soon join the China-Africa family of friendship," Wang said.

"Taiwan will increase its input to the country because it is currently only one of the few in Africa," Zhang said. There is no difficulty for the Chinese to be able to do so, because Taiwan's capability can not be compared to that of the Chinese mainland. "

The only comparable power in Africa is the US, but the US currently has little intention or desire to increase its input to the continent. So at present, no one can stop China in Africa, Zhang noted

Newspaper headline: Xi praises African Union

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