Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum shows Chinese wisdom, experts say – Xinhua


Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech entitled "Keeping up to date on the trend of the times to achieve common development" at the BRICS Business Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 25, 2018. (Xinhua / Wang Ye)

JOHANNESBURG, July 26 (Xinhua) – Observers and observers from China said Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on Wednesday gave Chinese wisdom to the second "Golden Decade" "BRICS cooperation. "Keep abad of the trend of times to achieve common development", outlined a promising plan for the second "Golden Decade" of BRICS cooperation.

It is widely anticipated that emerging markets and developing economies, led by the BRICS countries, China: a new impetus for promoting the global economy and remodeling the global governance system, have declared experts in Xinhua


In a speech at the forum, Xi said that in its first decade, BRICS cooperation has taken boom and paid off. BRICS cooperation has contributed significantly to global economic recovery and growth.

"We must continue the cooperation of the BRICS in the historic process of world transformation and promote the development of our own countries in the common development of both." The BRICS countries and other countries in the world, making thus new advances in the next Golden Decade. "

Ndlovu Colls, an independent economist in South Africa, said that he impressed him a lot that President Xi called BRICS countries to forge a partnership on the new industrial revolution and promote cooperation on innovation and industrialization. China has great experience in innovation and other BRICS countries have also benefited from strong foundations for innovation, he added, adding that BRICS countries have huge potential for the next decade.

Li Renliang, professor of the National Institute of Development Administration, noted that the BRICS cooperation mechanism has played a crucial role in reviving the global economy, adding that economic cooperation will continue to be the core of BRICS cooperation.

FOUR PROPOSALS TO BE GUIDED "The BRICS countries must keep abad of the historical trend, seize development opportunities, meet challenges together and play a constructive role in the construction of 39, a new type of international relations and a community sharing a common future ". his speech on Wednesday.

To do this, Xi introduced four proposals, calling on BRICS countries to pursue win-win cooperation, innovation, inclusive growth Xi's four proposals can be seen as a guide developing countries, which is very clear and correct, "said Stephen Perry, president of 48 Group Club, a UK organization. consisting of business leaders promoting trade between Britain and China.

Xi also noted in his speech that a trade war should be dismissed, because there will be no winner. "The economic hegemony is even more reprehensible, because it will undermine the collective interests of the international community, those who pursue this path will only end up hurting themselves," he said.

Such remarks incite China to firmly defend multilateralism, according to Argentine political observer Patricio Giusto. He added that enhanced BRICS cooperation would effectively offset the negative impact of protectionism and isolationism and provide new energy for global economic growth, he said.


in South-South Cooperation to Promote Greater Common Development Opportunities for Emerging Markets and Developing Countries, "Xi said in the speech Wednesday. "China will continue to develop with its door open."

"China will continue to vigorously pursue the Belt and Road Initiative to create new opportunities for social and economic development for participating countries and for Implementing the 2030 Iqbal Surve Program, President of the BRICS Business Council, said that if BRICS countries' development programs can be synergistic with the Belt and Road initiative, more countries will benefit from a wider membership. range of areas, including trade and investment, the digital economy. Similarly, Samy Elkamhawy, deputy editor of the Egyptian newspaper The Pyramids (Al-Ahram), said that if every BRICS country pledged to promote joint development with developing countries, the world will benefit from it. , which will also be a great contribution of Chinese wisdom.

Full text of Chinese President's speech at the BRICS Business Forum in South Africa

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