Zimbabwean Mugabe supports the opposition on the eve of the elections


Former President Robert Mugabe said that he would vote for Zimbabwe's opposition in Monday's elections, turning to single allies in the government before the first vote since that day. they ousted him in a de facto coup de facto

. President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a long-time Mugabe ally, faces Nelson Chamisa, a 40-year-old lawyer and pastor who aspires to become the youngest head of state in Zimbabwe

. The chief intelligence officer, Mnangagwa, has only a slight lead over Chamisa, making the second round possible on September 8th.

Mugabe, whose 37-year-old ended when he was forced to resign in November, told reporters. On Sunday, the Mnangagwa government was unconstitutional and ruled by the gun.

"I hope that the choice of tomorrow's vote will throw the military government and bring us back to constitutionality," said a frail Mugabe. cuf "I say that I can not vote for those who have brought me to be in this situation … so he remains Chamisa."

Mugabe, one of the last "Big Men" of African politics, still dominates Zimbabwean politics and he can still influence the first vote without his name on the ballot since the country gained independence of Britain in 1980.

Although he became more and more unpopular with most Zimbabweans mismanagement and corruption drove down the economy, he maintained his support in his center rural where supporters remain bitter about the way he was kidnapped.

Mnangagwa, known as the "crocodile", an animal known for its rage and ruthlessness. He was deposed by Mugabe last November to allow his wife, Grace, to take power, badysts said.

It was too much for the army generals who were rolling military vehicles in the streets of Harare and kept Mugabe in house arrest until he resigned in the face of a imminent dismissal.

Mugabe said Sunday that it was "totally absurd" that he wanted his wife to succeed him and claimed that he was preparing to resign at a ZANU congress -PF in December. Such is the design that Mugabe keeps even seven months after being evaporated, he became the subject of questions at a parallel press conference organized by Chamisa

. Mugabe's wishes are his wishes. I will accept any voter with open hands. The more crazy we are, the more we laugh, "Chamisa says in response to a question about Mugabe's approval

The elections under Mugabe were often undermined by violence, rigging and intimidation of voters

Chamisa's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) has already questioned the electoral process, accusing the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) of prejudice

Cases of intimidation and coercion have been reported , and the state media are biased in favor of the Zimbabwe African National Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), but there is consensus that the process has been better than before.

Mnangagwa has hosted in foreign media and international observers from the EU, US and Commonwealth, while opposition parties have been freely allowed to campaign, contest the outcome or no candidate whatsoever. Gets more than 50% and there is runoff, there are fears of street protests and possible violence.

Dozens of people were killed in 2008. Morgan Tsvangirai, died in February. Tsvangirai withdrew from the polls before the vote to try to stop the bloodshed.

"A second round becomes more likely, which increases the risk of violence as in previous election cycles," said Robert Besseling. , badyst at EXX Africa.

"Although an outbreak of widespread violence as in 2008 is not expected … incidents of localized violence increase in frequency and intensity."

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