[건강설계] lack of exercise in heat … Severe knee pain


  Orthopedic Specialist Hye Jae Won

Orthopedic Specialist Hye Jae Won

Parkyom (64, female) who suffers from arthritis usually falls sick with the knee in the summer. Especially during the rainy season, the bones were tingling and painful, so it was hard to sleep at night.

Older people seeking the hospital during the rainy season resort to painful joint pain. During the rainy season, joint pain tends to worsen with low air pressure and high humidity.

In hot weather, outdoor activity decreases and the amount of exercise is reduced, and the amount of exercise of patients with arthritis is lacking. And this can cause more joint pain. Therefore, people with arthritis should be able to relax their muscles and strengthen their muscles from time to time through simple exercises that can be performed indoors. It is useful to stretch frequently, swim indoors, play an aquarobi or ride a bike indoors.

If you experience joint pain or hardness in your joints, mbadage the pain with warm water. It also helps reduce pain and fatigue by improving blood circulation by placing a bed or cushion on your legs above your heart when you sleep.

It is also important to check the ambient temperature and humidity. It is desirable to adjust the temperature so that the difference in temperature between the indoor and outdoor temperature does not exceed 5 degrees because the muscle and nerve can be narrowed so suddenly it enters a cold place while he is in a warm place. It is best to keep the room temperature at 25 ~ 28 degrees in the summer.If you stay at too low a temperature for a long time, the joint fluid that acts as a lubricant between the bones hardens and can cause joint pain. The humidity remains below 50% and ventilation is frequent.

However, if the pain does not improve even with ongoing care, seek a specialist to get the right diagnosis and treatment. In the case of early arthritis, conservative treatments such as injections and medications can be improved, and if the pain is severe but joint arthritis is not enough, gene therapy or stem cell therapy is effective.

It is important to remember that arthritis is above all the best way to perform early diagnosis and treatment of knees. [ad_2]
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