[건강을 읽다]Flu, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Zona … Do not forget the vaccination of adults – The Asian economy


[건강을 읽다]Flu, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Zona ... Do not forget to vaccinate adults too

[아시아경제 박혜정 기자] It usually involves a vaccination for children. Vaccination is the most effective and safest way to prevent the disease, but not as much as the vaccination of adults.

According to the Seoul National University Hospital, on April 4, vaccination is important not only for children, but also for adults, especially the elderly. Older people and chronic diseases are vulnerable to infectious diseases, so active vaccination is needed.

The Center for Disease Control recommends influenza, pneumococcal disease, shingles, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, depending on age and at-risk groups.

First, the flu (flu). Influenza is prevalent in Korea from December to May each year. Vaccination from October to December is recommended before the outbreak. Influenza is often considered a common cold, but it is different from a cold. The flu can cause more severe symptoms than a cold or life-threatening complications such as pneumonia.

Adults and infants over 65, pregnant women, lung diseases, patients with cardiovascular disease, some chronic diseases, immune hypersensitivity, etc. are easily exposed to the flu. Among them, people aged 65 and over as well as infants from 6 months to 12 years old are eligible for free vaccination.

However, statistics from the Health Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Service for the last three years show that the number of patients with influenza has increased from 890,000 in 2015 to 1.22 million in 2017, but the vaccination rate has not changed much. Despite the increase in the number of patients, the number of vaccinations has not increased significantly. The Korea Pharmaceutical Biologicals Association (KPHA) has designated October 11 as "Influenza Immunization Month" and the importance of vaccination as the month of vaccination.

"The flu, which has the highest incidence rate between January and March, takes about two weeks after the antibody vaccination," said Gang Wonil, president of the Biotechnology Association. "The immune effect of influenza vaccination lasts an average of six months. It is good to be vaccinated in early October and early November with sufficient time."

Pneumococcus is another recommendation for vaccination of adults. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common bacterial cause of pneumonia and meningitis. There are two types of pneumonia vaccine: the protein conjugate vaccine (13) and the polysaccharide vaccine (23). The pneumococcal vaccine in adults is a polysaccharide vaccine.

In winter, it is easy to contract pneumonia because of the immunity, so do not miss it. If you do not have an illness of 65 years or older, you can effectively prevent serious complications such as sepsis and pneumococcal meningitis by inoculating only once. Like the flu, people over 65 are vaccinated free of charge.

The same is true for shingles. Shingles is an infant varicella virus that has remained in the body after the immune system's age is weakened and revitalized. Severe neuropathic pain and some post-herpetic neuralgia may occur after the pain is persistent. Especially at age 50 or older, and post-herpetic neuralgia also increases with age. If you do not have a chronic disease, it is best to inoculate after 60 years.

Park Hye-jung reporter [email protected]

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