[건강한 가족] worried about bad cholesterol, body fat … I can relieve bohai tea extract.


Healthy Eating

A diet goal is to improve your health as well as your weight loss. A healthy diet helps to improve blood cholesterol and reduce visceral fat to prevent abdominal obesity. Not only women but also middle-aged men also worry about eating because of their health problems. However, if you diet before being motivated, you can easily lose weight by giving up quickly or eating quickly. Recently, Boy Cha is attracting attention as a way to help a healthy diet. In everyday life, you can enjoy tea, reduce body fat and improve cholesterol at the same time.

Boi Cha is a fermented black tea that Chinese who eat a lot of fatty foods call it a health secret. This is thanks to "Galsan", one of the main components of Boi cha. Galsan is easy to consume calories to improve diet and prevent obesity. In the pancreas, an enzyme called lipase, which synthesizes body fat, is produced and glycans prevent the activity of this enzyme. It prevents fat accumulation and promotes metabolism.

The effect of this tea has also been proven by research. According to an article published by researchers at the University of Fukuoka in the International Journal of Dietetics (2011), Bohai tea extract helps reduce dietary fat by reducing visceral fat. In the study, 36 obese adults were divided into two groups, of which 18 consume 1 g of tea extract each day for 12 weeks, and 18 of the other groups. Both groups ate 1800 of food each day. As a result, the visceral fat group had an average 8.7% reduction in visceral fat. While the uneaten group had a 4.3% increase in visceral fat. The group who consumed Bohai tea extract had a steady decline in body weight compared to the other group of 1800?

Bad cholesterol causes vascular inflammation

Viccha helps to improve blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is called fat from the blood vessels. There is good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) in your body, but bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) is also a problem. The accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels causes various inflammatory reactions and causes the phenomenon of blood crust. Then the blood vessels become narrow and the blood circulation does not work well. Severe blood clogging can cause various diseases in adults or severe cerebrovascular disease. The gallic acid component of Bochac inhibits the activity of the enzyme (cholesterol esters) that absorbs cholesterol from the small intestine. It also prevents cholesterol from binding to bile and reabsorption in the liver. When reabsorption is removed, the body uses cholesterol in the body and lowers the cholesterol concentration. Boi tea is the principle that lowers LDL cholesterol.

An article published in the International Journal of Nutrition Studies (2008) has proven the effect of cholesterol on the improvement of cholesterol. Twenty-five of the 47 adults with borderline hypercholesterolemia (between 200 and 239 mg / L), whose cholesterol level was between normal and high cholesterol, weighed approximately 1 g per day (333 mg / L). tablet) I had to consume three months before meals.

As a result, total cholesterol decreased by 8.5%, from 237.4 mg / t to 217.3 mg /? In particular, LDL cholesterol decreased by 11.7% from 167 mg / kg to 147.3 mg / kg. On the other hand, HDL cholesterol increased by 2.5% from 59.5 mg / g to 61 mg / g. The weight went from 60.4 kg to 59.2 kg, 1.2 kg. This is a study showing the possibility of consuming low-fat tea extracts to lower LDL cholesterol levels to normal levels by eating regularly.

1 g of extract, 40 cups of boza tea

Boi tea is also rich in catechin with an excellent antioxidant effect. Antioxidant means that the active oxygen produced in the body oxidizes the body to prevent aging and inflammatory action. It is also reported that catechin lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol and prevents cancer.

The longer you stay in this kind of tea, the more the flavor and aroma worsen and the effect increases. In a room, tea is clbadified as a cold food, and tea is turned into a hot tea through fermentation and storage. I recommend boy's tea to the person who is usually cold.

To get the effect of Boi tea, you must drink a certain amount every day. It is effective when it is ingested in the form of a concentrated extract of the viscera. The Korean Food and Drug Administration has recognized its effectiveness as a healthy functional food, which can help reduce body fat and improve blood cholesterol levels. 1 g of Vicchai extract, which contains the visceral extract, contains 35 mg of gallic acid. That's the amount of gallic acid equivalent to about 40 cups of common car. One cup of common tea (0.6 g) contains 0.87 mg of gallate.

Lee Minyoung reporter [email protected]

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