[국제] Bolton canceled a CNN start in the White House league "The pursuits of the Lie agent is pretty good"



The conflict between President Trump and CNN, who had not been in good shape since before his inauguration, worsened and the White House annulled the appearance of the councilor to the national security of John Bolton.


The appointment of John Bolton, National Security Advisor, CNN, scheduled for June 15, is one-sided.

White House spokesman Sanders said the CNN reporter was rude and changed the priority of White House officials to appear at the [MiYoung] press conference.

The journalist, Jake Tepper, What is the significance of the punishment for rudeness of

at this time?

[도널드 트럼프 / 美 대통령 : (NATO 동맹을 공격하는 건 러시아를 돕는 결과 아닌가요?) 그건, 완전히 부정직한 언론의 보도 내용이에요. 하기야 CNN보다 더 나쁜 NBC 보도니까 그렇겠지만…]

About 10 minutes later, the CNN reporter asked, "Can I ask you a question because the president has attacked CNN?" Trump asked,

[도널드 트럼프 / 美 대통령 : 존 로버츠(폭스 뉴스) 기자, 질문해요! 존, 존 로버츠! 질문해요! CNN은 가짜뉴스라서 나는 CNN 기자 질문은 안 받아요. CNN은 가짜 뉴스에요. 폭스뉴스의 존 로버츠! 진짜 뉴스로 갑시다!]

Bolton, who was on the other side of the broadcasts, said that the "

[존 볼턴 / 美 백악관 국가안보보좌관 : 러시아 요원 기소는 트럼프 대통령에게 좋은 패입니다. 이번 기소는 미국 사법부가 러시아의 대선 개입 시도를 알고 있다는 것을 보여주는 것이기 때문이니까요.]

But Bolton warned that the US summit United-Russia is not a meeting to expect a concrete result, 19659003] It is YTN Kim Gi Bong [[email protected]] of Los Angeles.

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