[국제] The Middle East Trade War in … Arrival in Rwanda


  China's State Visit to China
<시진핑 중국 국가주석>

As China's trade war intensifies, Chinese President Zhu Jingping travels to Rwanda after Senegal and continues to push the country. Africa to join forces.


The President of the Republic of China, Mr. Shi and his wife Fengli Yuan, received a reception of Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, at the Kigali International Airport on the evening of the 22 (local time) This is the first time the Chinese president visits Rwanda. "The regional distance between China and Rwanda is long, but the traditional friendship and friendship are deep."

"M. Kagame is the president of the African Federation "We are very excited about the development of China and Africa," he said. "

President Kagame said:" I met with President Hu Jintao last year and I met with great success, "said President Hu Jintao, adding that this visit was to promote cooperation between the two countries.

Rwanda is the third country to visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Senegal on this trip (19-28th) from the city


City of Rwanda, Across Rwanda,

During a visit to the UAE, the city met Sheikh Mohammad Al Nahyan and Prime Minister of Abu Dhabi, who visit the UAE,

In Senegal, provided that individual participation (land, silk silk route), (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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