[국제] WP "Twitter is blocking false accounts every day to avoid false news every day"


[국제]  WP

Twitter reports a fake account or suspicious account and blocks 1 million every day, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, July 7.

Concerns over the spread of fake news via Twitter and Facebook have increased in recent years in the United States

Since then, twenty-three million active members of Twitter have been posted to the program. automatic display, which has been reported as the most popular in the world.

Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. have been criticized as lukewarm against countermeasures such as blocking "robots" The company has been lukewarm in its platform monitoring activities because of the "freedom of the press", but the interception of Twitter means that these companies have changed their positions and are rife.

Dell Harvey, Vice President of Trust and Security "I decided to change the company's idea of ​​a balance between freedom of expression and freedom expression that freezes the remarks of others. "

"If people do not feel safe,

On the other hand, President Donald, who is a fan of Twitter, said the Twitter account was stuck that day, and the Twitter account of major media He urged them to check.

President Trump told his personal twitter that "Twitter removes false account at a record speed", then "The New York Times and the Amazon propaganda machine" I will quote an anonymous source that does not even exist, "he said," and the two companies will perish in seven years. "

Kim Myung-hee reporter [email protected]

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