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Rohingya refugees from this month

In Indonesia, Cox Bazaar has been hit by heavy rains since June this year, causing landslides and floods. It was a cruel time for the Rohingyas to live in bamboo and vinyl houses. One of the boys who lived in the camp went out to save the firewood.

The number of Rohingya refugees who have crossed the border to avoid the brutality of Myanmar's army is 720,000. Since the end of the rainy season, the governments of Indonesia and Myanmar have announced their intention to repatriate the refugees. Rohingya.

According to the Myanmar Times, the Myanmar Foreign Ministry is to receive 2,060 recruits from Bangladesh for the first round of repatriation of Rohingiya refugees. Aung Chosan, Myanmar's undersecretary for foreign affairs, said: "Of the 4,000 people living in Myanmar, 2,260 will be the first to be repatriated," they said.

Before their repatriation, Myanmar officials went to a refugee camp in Bangladesh and began to persuade the Rohingya. Myanmar officials, who met with some 60 Rohingya representatives in search of the world's largest refugee camp, Kutu Palung, are already ready to accept the refugees in January and explain the program after their repatriation.

"Let's be recognized as a minority"

But the reaction of Rohingya refugees is cold. The Rohingya refugee return plan in their home country had actually been planned a year ago. However, not only Rohingya refugees, but the international community rejected them. My country, Myanmar, is not ready to accept the refugees. A year has pbaded, but the situation is still the same.

"They (Myanmar officials) said that we would not have to stay in temporary camps for a long time, but they did not answer how long they had to stay in temporary camps," Mohiva Ula said. a Rohingya leader. Rohingya representatives, including Moheb Ulaa, expressed support for citizenship and recognition of their citizenship as an official ethnic minority, noting that Myanmar had not promised citizenship.

And refugee leaders also demanded compensation for the genocide and brutality committed by the army in a letter to Aung San Suu Kyi's cross.

Myanmar is ready to accept refugees from Rohingya?

The nationality law, promulgated by the military in Myanmar, recognizes eight ethnic groups and 135 ethnic minorities, but the Rohingya do not appear on the official list of ethnic minorities. In Myanmar, where Buddhism is tradition, the Rohingya are called Bangladesh, which means illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Myanmar agreed to repatriate the Rohingya, but said they should stay in temporary camps. He also promised to give the Rohingya a citizenship certificate, which he would not have given to citizenship, but before the recognition of citizenship. In other words, they are always willing to accept the Rohingya.

You can not be badured of your safety even if you return to your home country. It's another prison to stay in a designated temporary camp. I can not even communicate with other people in Myanmar. "The Lakani do not want them to come back, but they understand that there is international pressure," said Tan Thun, leader of Myanmar-dominated Rakhin Buddhism, saying "returning refugees should be housed in controlled areas ".

Should we go back to where we escaped?

The Rohingya have formed a refugee camp in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh, on the other side of the border, and have been living a difficult life for a year. Although living at the United Nations and receiving emergency relief, she leads an anxious life in hunger and disease. Rohingya children do not receive the right education either and are scared by frequent rape and trafficking.

However, it is in my home country that I am most afraid of them. I will not think about the past day and just say that I should come back without personal guarantees. When I left home to avoid violence, I went home. Rohingya refugees do not forget the "ethnic cleansing" that the Myanmar army had carried out a year ago. Although the rainy season is over, a more cruel "repatriation" is happening among refugees from Rohinja.

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