[글로벌 돋보기] Kim Jong-eol, who broke the silence, blamed "sanctions sanctions"> Magnifying glass> Politics> News


With US midterm elections approaching five days (Nov. 6, local time), relations between North Korea and the United States, blocked from the electoral calendar, are renewed.

The two sides agreed to hold high-level talks next week, and both sides agreed to hold high-level talks next week and the so-called "Korean Peninsula". We expect the big deal to start seriously.

The talks between North Korea and North Korea, Kim Jong-un, have remained silent for a long time and have attracted attention since he criticized the North Korean sanctions.

Can North America go to the second North American summit at the beginning of next year through a "big denial of denuclearization – countermeasures"? The results of the negotiations will also have a decisive impact on the denuclearization agenda for the Korean Peninsula, including the end of year declaration and the Kim Jong Eun issue.

The main nuclear talks in North Korea will take place next week. Pompeii "will handle international inspections of nuclear and missiles"

At the end of October, in mid-November, Secretary of State Pompeii presented the high-level talks on the North American Summit that marked the beginning of the year.

In an interview with US radio on Monday, Pompei said: "This is an issue to be discussed with my counterparts next week," he said, referring to questions regarding international organizations on nuclear and missile facilities of North Korea. The official confirmation of the week held.

Pompeii's remarks come just 12 days after the announcement of his "waiting for negotiations in a dozen days" during his visit to Mexico on March 19. During its clandestine contacts, North America held high-level talks just after the start of the conflict. He seems to have finished.

Although the details of the date and venue of the talks and the identity of Pompeii's contact partner were not announced, diplomats suggested to Kim Young-Chul, deputy workers from North Korea,.

Penggli nuclear test satellite photography (last May) taken by a digital digital satellite civil globe on the eve of the explosion,Penggli nuclear test satellite photography (last May) taken by a digital digital satellite civil globe on the eve of the explosion,

With regard to the agenda of the talks, the United States has clearly stated its position to end the alleged problem of nuclear inspections before the second summit of North America, scheduled early in the year. Next year.

"We are meeting the other side of the North and plan to address the problem of inspection of nuclear facilities and missile facilities," said Pompei. "Kim Jong Eun allowed the US inspectors to examine two important facilities when we met three and a half weeks ago, and I hope the inspectors will go to North Korea before it's too late." . "

The two important facilities mentioned by Pompei Oo seem to refer to the Penggyori nuclear test center and the Dong Gun Chang missile launchers, for which Kim Jong Eun announced his willingness to inspect the inspectors directly.

Robert Palladino, deputy spokesman for the state department, said at a briefing: "Verification and inspection go hand in hand."

Kim Jong-eun, who broke the silence, "hostile forces, sanctions,

At the end of the North Korean dialogue, Kim Jong-on resumed his 19-day offensive and resumed public activities. He has also begun to express his voice on North American issues.

The North Korean media, including the Labor Newspaper and the Chosun Central News Agency, reported on the visit of Kim Jong-un, Wonsan-Karma District Chief, today (Sunday), as well as Kim's firm condemnation of international sanctions.

According to the North Korean media, President Kim said: "Hostile forces are stupidly foolish only to try to transform us and keep us down by preventing the promotion and development of the well-being of our people.

"The extension of successive achievements in a mbadive creative battle, such as building a tourist district on the Wonsan-Karma coast, even while everything is difficult and nervous, is an overwhelming shock to the forces hostile ".

He also emphasized the "rapidity of our development style", which is against the hostile forces, expressing the reality, recognizing the situation of sanctions in North Korea, stating that " the country's situation is difficult "and" insufficient ".

Kim's message is that the message is that he will urge the lifting of sanctions or easing in the next phase of negotiations, while encouraging the speed of major construction sites before the end of the year. year.

In August, on the occasion of the fourth oath of Pompeii, President Kim visited Wonsan and blamed Pyongyang for sanctions. He said: "It's a decisive blow with hostile forces trying to smother our people with a burglar blockade."

& # 39; Nuclear inspectors & # 39; VS 'Mitigation of the declaration of war & # 39; sanctions & # 39; …

Given the recent moves in North America, next week's high-level North American talks are likely to be the first test of denuclearization monitoring, called "nuclear inspections", and the demand for nuclear weapons. North Korean countermeasures.

It is crucial to decide how to jeopardize North Korea's promise regarding the Punggye Nuclear Test Center and the Dong Gun Chung missile launch unit.

In response to this, the head of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) said yesterday: "The North Korean regime has closed the nuclear weapons test sites in Punggye-ri and denied some anti-missile facilities, J & # I also said.

It is clear that North America has already engaged in extensive discussions on the issue of Buddhist temples in the Penggyori-Dongchang-ri facility during the process prior to making contact.

After the overthrow of the first Pukgyeri-Dongchang-ri temple, North America will widen the scope of negotiations on the establishment of a negotiating channel for the Yongbyon nuclear power plant and the vegan-Choi Sun-hee talks , as well as for the discussion on the second.

The details of the calendar, including the end of year declaration and Kim Jung-eun's demonstration in Seoul, which are increasingly uncertain as a result of the negotiations, should be revealed.

"The meeting between US President George W. Bush and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il should lead to a peaceful settlement of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and the peace process," the spokesman said. I hope this will start seriously. "

However, the US government continues to insist on the main position of "FFVD (final and fully verified denuclearization)" and "implementation of sanctions against North Korea", and North Korea insists now on the response to denuclearization measures, It is difficult to optimize the outcome of the negotiations because it is clear that it is time to receive the "

The dialogue between the United States and North Korea, which has been suspended for some time, seems to be back to the starting point, since the mid-term elections in the United States, which blocked relations between North Korea and the United States ended on June 6, and high-level talks are soon to be held.

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