[글로벌 리포트] & # 39; Next March 23 of next year & # 39; Bike seat … The withdrawal methodology of the EU is gaining momentum Great Britain | International | News


Remaining 8 months of the EU …

Suddenly Braking Seats
Economic Losses 4% GDP
It takes time to minimize the impact

Hardliners "Lack support for the growth of the EU

The withdrawal of the European Union (EU) from Britain (Brecksheet) comes eight months later.According to the Lisbon Treaty, entered into force on December 1, 2009, the UK will leave the EU on March 29 (local time) next year.Great Britain and the EU are negotiating a roadmap to reach the end of October, but there is still much to be done.

Britain voted for the brake in June 2016, but two years later, with the exception of the badertion according to which the bicycle seat should be re-examined, it is split in two on the withdrawal method of the EU.

However, the British Prime Minister, Teresa Me i, has put in place the principle of "safety seat" to reduce the economic impact,

but if there is a shock, repulsion is not enough. Some ministers, including conservative Boris Johnson, resigned earlier this month with an unenthusiastic resignation, demanding a revision of the bicycle seat bill.

On November 19, the EU Executive Committee, the EU and the UK, announced that they had signed a memorandum of understanding with the 27 member countries, "We need to make full preparations for the shock of" Nodyl Brecksheet "which breaks down without consensus.

Avoid the shock of "hard brake seat"

The British government took the direction of soft reinforcement sheet because of the shock of the core business, financial affairs. Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that economic losses would reach 4% of GDP if Britain put itself on the right track to reduce its relations with the EU.

According to the Financial Times (FT), Britain is becoming a member of the European Economic Community (EEC), the mother of the EU in 1973, at the time of registration, he was a sick European who had a GDP per capita lower than that of France, West Germany and Italy. But under the EU system, Thatcher's reform policies have allowed for rapid economic growth: in 2013, GDP per capita is higher than the average of three countries, France, the United States, and the United States. Germany and Italy. The UK has achieved a high level of growth in the EU system for 45 years, and future access to the European market could be essential for economic growth.

The UK government recently released the "Briefsheet for White Paper", which describes the process and plans for a flexible spreadsheet of the first round of negotiations with the European Union last December to discuss plans future.

(About 66,000 billion won) to guarantee the right of access to the EU market. It has also decided to allow citizens of EU Member States to come freely to the UK without a visa.

"The EU system does not help ordinary people"

The tough guys who claim that the hard brake seats are not able to earn any gains from the rest of the world. economic integration Mainly immigrants from the upper clbad and developing countries.

Hankyung based on the cumulative growth of real household income by income brackets collected by the World Bank economist in 1988, Branko Milano Beach, from 1988 to 2008. Studies have shown that income in all categories of advanced countries, including advanced nations, increased significantly, while income in the middle and lower income brackets of advanced countries did not increase.

Britain's confrontation with the EU executive committee on the social benefits of EU immigrants during the time of Britain just before the referendum is not relevant. At the time, Attorney General Gordon Brown complained, "If Turkey adheres to the EU, the British population will grow by 5.23 million by 2030". The burden is only increased. The EU's policy of hosting refugees has also fueled the UK's anti-EU public opinion.

Great Britain and the European continent have important historical and emotional differences as well as political and institutional differences. Britain has a strong liberal tradition, while the European continent has an interventionist philosophy. In the nineteenth century, Britain opted for "the isolation of glory" not to be influenced by European internal confrontation. The lack of alliance with European countries has helped minimize war damage for hundreds of years, from the Napoleonic wars to the First and Second World Wars.

The badertion that the growth potential will increase if the EU does not grow quickly, it goes out. The UK is pursuing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with other major nations such as the United States and the signing of the Pacific Rim Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). "The United States is the United Kingdom's largest trading partner and sole investor, and the Pacific region is the fastest growing country in the world," said Limifox


Countries that are not very dissatisfied with the EU system, such as Italy and Greece, are looking at Britain after Brecks.

There are many cases in which the EU is opposed to the EU facing a refugee problem, but the EU is actually more dissatisfied with the euro. . The euro, which was introduced in 2002, has quickly become the main currency after the dollar. However, since the global financial crisis of 2008, Southern Europe, including Greece and Spain, has been affected by the financial crisis and skepticism has increased. Germany and France, which have a strong industrial competitiveness, benefit, while in the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, the structural criticism that it leads to the Inflation and causes public deficits.

After the European debt crisis, the European Union (EU) tightened its policy of fiscal austerity with a view to reducing its budget deficit, I had a hole in the well-being to be ordinary people. In each country, right-wing anti-EU political parties have emerged. Austria, Hungary, Poland, etc. Recently, the euro area (19 countries using the euro), the third largest economy. The right-wing party "Five-Movement" managed to win the presidency. In Germany, a negative "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) threatens the political status of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Lee Hyun II / Hyung Kyu Kim [email protected]

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