[글로벌 브리핑] The company's folding fashion b … Focus on the White House> Global News> International> News


This is a global briefing on world news.

The Folding Fashion Affair …

The eldest daughter of Trump, the eldest daughter of the White House, Yibancha, decided to fold her fashion business.

Yibanka continued her fashion business even in the public service and boycotted her.

In order to encourage the US government to seek the favor of the US government, the product brand Yibangka

Yibanka said that he was going to close the business and focus only on business from the White House.

Brazilian Private Firearms …

In Brazil, the possession of personal firearms has exploded in recent decades.

Private firearms registered accounted for more than 3,900 firearms in 2007,

It is estimated that the combined number of undeclared illegal firearms is much higher.

Experts point out that personal firearms purchased for protective purposes become a vicious circle of public unrest

More than 5,000 shootings occurred this year in Rio, Brazil.

The bustle of the London Steam Tube … Ambient temperature 40 degrees

While the world is suffering from a heat wave, Londoners from the UK are suffering from heating on the ground


The London Underground has been in operation for over 100 years and the authorities have not been able to provide a solution as there is no room to install an outdoor air conditioner unit .

An artificial waterfall of 108 m runs through the exterior wall of a building

A large artificial waterfall pbades through a building of Guizhou, China

An artificial waterfall of 108 meters through the windows of the exterior wall

The building manager stated that he wanted to make this artificial waterfall a local specialty and a contribution to the tourism industry.

Water and rainwater are recycled using water to raise water [19659004] To avoid wasting energy, it is said that It works up to 20 minutes at a time only in special cases.

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