[뉴스브리핑] Kim Jong-sook leaves for India … 3 nights and 4 days of unique visit


1. Judge of & # 39; Gas Vacancy & # 39; President of Gas Safety Corporation 4 years in prison

Four years of imprisonment were inflicted on former President Park Sangdong, who was brought to court for allegedly manipulating interview scores to drop candidates into the recruitment process. The Supreme Court upheld the decision to fined 300 million won ($ 300 million) in four years of imprisonment in the Park case, accused of manipulating the ranking of interview candidates for the two bonds in 2015 and 2016. It was found that seven candidates who had been placed in the rank of acceptance by the director of Park, who preferred the usual male employee , were rejected.

2. Kim Jong-sook leaves for India … 3 nights and 4 days of unique visit

Kim Jong-sook, wife of Moon Jae-in, left today (4th) for a four-day official visit to India. Kim Jung-sook will meet Narendra Modi and attend the opening ceremony of the works as well as the opening ceremony of the Diwali Festival. It has been only 16 years since Kim Dae – jung 's wife, Lee Hee – ho, went to the United States.

3. A Chinese road toll in front of the 31 … About 50 people

Cars crushed and broken down everywhere filled the tollbooth. Last night, a large trailer in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China, was hit by other cars waiting at the toll gate, causing about 30 accidents. According to local media, at least 15 people were killed and 44 wounded in the accident.

4. Indian tigers killed 13 residents … End of the operation

In India, the "cannibal tiger" was killed at the end of a major capture operation. The tiger is a woman who has killed and killed at least 13 villagers in western India for two years, according to Indian authorities. The tiger was killed aggressively after the capture of the prisoner.

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