[뉴스풍경] Ji Hyun, North Korean refugee, testimony of the Minister of International Religious Freedom


A live news magazine, "news landscape" that transmits news related to North Korea for a week. Ji Hyun Ah, a North Korean defector, testified at the first international conference on religious freedom in the United States as a person coming from a country of Christian persecution. Jang, Yang Hee reporter will deliver.

Vice President Mike Fence, who visited North Korea in February and interviewed North Korean deserters, wrote a letter to North Korean defectors after returning home.

In a letter from Vice President Fence, "Your courage is touching. Your courage to share your worthy testimony has allowed the United States to communicate internationally the record of the horrible human rights of the North Korean regime. "

One of the deserters who received the letter from the closing deputy chairman, Lee Jihyeon, who remembers the special meeting of the time, said that he knew that Fence was a devout Christian

.Ju, arrived in Washington on the 23rd, attended the international ministerial conference for the promotion of religious freedom.As declared Vice President Fence at the meeting, he presented Ji Hyun as an example of human rights violations in North Korea.

[녹취: 펜스 부통령] "This is what happened to Ji Hyeon-Ah, who is here with us, and I met when I went to the area earlier this year. Hyeon-ah was imprisoned and tortured just for having a Bible that his mother had given him … "

Ji said that his mother, who had gone to China to get food, was confined and tortured because she secretly kept the Bible in the silage and had the Bible.

She said that she was forced to abort the North after her pregnancy, and that Ji has was able to stay here because she managed to defeat North Korea.

Ji Hyun Ah, who was introduced by Vice President Fence, received a big applause from the participants.

Ji was gloriously called his name in the VOA, but that meant that it was the name of every North Korean citizen.

[녹취: 지현아] "Thank you very much. There were 17 witnesses who mentioned four names. I mentioned my name among the four. Thank you. I would like to say that not only is my name my name, but also many clandestine Christians persecuted by Christianity in North Korea, Christians in political prison camps. "

At this meeting, Ji Hyun Ah fled North Korea, I was invited as a witness.

Ji began to speak:" On behalf of the church members clandestine and North Korean defectors who were deprived of their religious freedom in North Korea, who was at the forefront of Christian persecution for 17 years. "

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