[뉴스해설] North Korea's declaration of war will be resilient


The United States and North Korea pave the way for the repatriation and excavation of American troops killed in the Korean War. It will be noted that this will lead to the end of the Korean War.

President) Where is the debate on repatriation and searches of the United States and North Korea going?

Reporter: First of all, It is reported that the actual discovery of 200 or more is already over on schedule and specific methods of repatriation. The United States and North Korea have agreed to jointly investigate the remains of about 5,300 US troops known to remain in North Korea.

Moderator) Is not it possible that the repatriation of the remains was already announced at the end of last month?

reporter) This is true. However, North Korea postponed repatriation, saying that discussions on their concerns should be made simultaneously. For this reason, criticisms of North Korea's behavior in the United States are multiplying and the United States has already prepared 100 boxes of wood in the Panmunjom Joint Security Zone at the end of last month to prepare for harmful delivery.

Reporters) US media reports that it is highly likely that they will be repatriated on the 27th, the 65th anniversary of the Korean War's Armistice Agreement.

Leader) In the United States, critics are emerging that the implementation of the summit agreement is lethargic in the United States, and the repatriation of remnants

Repatriation remains is a different matter from denuclearization. But the United States pays particular attention to the repatriation of soldiers killed during the war. This can be seen in the joint statement by President Trump and President Kim Jong Eun, which includes this issue. Repatriation could lead to US support for Trump's policy in North Korea, and also make the atmosphere of subsequent negotiations between the US and North Korea positive.

North Korea demanded simultaneous action by the United States on the repatriation of remains, what does it demand?

North Korea's request was made on July 7, just after Pyongyang's visit. He appears in the Spokesman's Speech of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We will discuss the issue of simultaneous measures such as repatriation and removal of the missile engine test site, the declaration of war and various exchanges to improve the relationship between the United States and the North.

Conservative Party) So he will discuss the declaration of the end of the war with the issue of repatriation of remains.

Reporter) Yes, that's it. North Korea maintains that it is "already in agreement" on the declaration of war. Trump may have been discussed at the summit when he said he would "sign" the statement with Kim Jong-un at a press conference just before the summit. However, it is possible that the United States decided to use the issue as a trading card, while simultaneously pursuing denuclearization and related measures.

) The declaration of the end of the war is actively promoted by South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

Reporter) Yes, the statement of Panmunjom, which was accepted at the inter-Korean summit, The President of the UN General Assembly, Kim Jung Eun, said that the United States and the two Korea will sign the declaration of the end of the war, according to the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September.

Reporters There is a media report in the Trump administration that the discussions are already under way. Kim will announce his intention to denuclearize the world through his opening address at the UN General Assembly: he will hold a second summit with President Trump in New York or Washington, followed by three Heads of State and Moon Jae-in.

Moderator) To do this, the denuclearization will have to pbad a certain time.

Reporter) This is true. Follow-up actions, including the rejection of the missile engine test site, should be carried out. The United States and North Korea should soon have practical negotiations, and the outcome of the negotiations will determine whether Kim will attend the United Nations General Assembly and whether the second summit will take place. However, there is some observation that President Trump will present the second summit with Kim as "carrots" to encourage denuclearization.

It was a "news commentary" that explained the current problems of the Korean peninsula.

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