[뉴스해설] Pompeo sanctions on North Korea in full denuclearization


Speech by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Mike Pompeo on sanctions against North Korea If the status quo is maintained, it will become more common and the force will increase. I will be with the news commentary, Yoon Kook-jin, who will explain the issues on the Korean peninsula in an easy to understand way.

Speaker) Pompeo shows different movements regarding sanctions against the North.

Yes, there is an unofficial briefing at United Nations Headquarters in New York last weekend. During the briefing, the issue of sanctions on North Korea was mainly discussed, and urged the UN members to apply strict sanctions. Minister Pompeo posted the same article on his Twitter. Meanwhile, the US State Department is reminding the public of North Korean sanctions, including reporting on illegal imports of refined petroleum to the United Nations.

) President Trump also mentions the recent sanctions against North Korea

Reporter) Yes. We call on the Chinese government to thoroughly control the border with North Korea and block the secret services. "We will not hasten the denuclearization of North Korea, and emphasize that sanctions are well maintained.

President) Is not it important that President Trump talks about sanctions against North Korea? [19659004] Reporter) I can do that President Trump said last month that he would not use the term "maximum pressure" on North Korea before the summit meeting with Kim Jong-un. That was because of the expectation that the meeting with Kim would make great strides in denuclearization.It is interesting to note that President Trump spoke of sanctions, although he does not talk about color.

) Some media reported that President Trump was frustrated by the denuclearization of prolonged denuclearization and angered his staff.

However, it appears that Pompeo's emphasis on sanctions against North Korea is not san This is with the addition of additional sanctions to some congressional leaders. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who claims that North Korea "cheats on President Trump by developing a time-saving strategy," is likely to boost US recognition of negative North Korea in relation to this trend.

If Mr. Trump and Minister Pompeo turn away from negotiations in the North, will the dialogue between the United States and North Korea be difficult to pursue?

That's right. Both were the engineers and pilots of negotiations between the United States and the North that continued, including the summit. President Trump is currently in great political trouble with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Trump said that if the implementation of denuclearization in North Korea continues in this situation, the priority of negotiations with North Korea will be removed and the interest in the negotiations will be reduced.

Reporter Trump says that the United States is doing well with the North, saying "very positive things are happening in the background." The credibility of Kim Jong-un with North Korea's willingness to denuclearize is still visible. "We are very optimistic about the prospect of the denuclearization of North Korea," he told reporters after a briefing on the 20th month of the Security Council, citing sanctions against North Korea.

Reporter: This is true. It is stressed that it is urgent to reach a consensus on the "timetable" which sets the timetable for the denuclearization and guarantees of security of the system. This means that the goal of negotiations will become clearer and faster. South Korean Justice Minister Chung Wa Dae plans to make a breakthrough in Washington's talks on denuclearization with Washington, where he met with John Bolton, US National Security Advisor, over the weekend.

Reporters) Negotiations between the United States and North Korea took place after Trump and Kim Jong Eun met in a broad framework, declaring that North Korea's nuclear ambitions should be resolved by the second summit. We worked on a top-down format that agreed and coordinated details during high-level discussions and work. Therefore, if there is a blockage, there is a voice that says it should be pierced by extraordinary talks. South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa said during a visit to Britain that he did not rule out the possibility of a tripartite summit between the president and the president. Trump and Kim Jong Eun and South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

It was a "news commentary" that explained the problems of the Korean Peninsula in an easy to understand way.

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