[뉴스 따라잡기] "Supreme Court of the United States"


It's "time to catch up" to explain the context of news and related terms. On July 9, US President Donald Trump appointed the new Supreme Court Justice of the Brett Cavner Federal Court of Appeal. Caberno will be replaced by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who will retire on July 31, after being approved by the Senate. Meanwhile, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party will probably work hard to sign nominated Caberno. This is because the position of the Supreme Court is important. Catch up on the news, today, we will learn about the US Supreme Court.

"Supreme Court Number Transition"

Currently, the US Supreme Court consists of 8 "badociate judges" and 1 "chief justice".

The Constitution of the United States has no status for the Supreme Court of Justice, which the federal parliament decides.

The United States Supreme Court, which was created in the early days of the founding of the United States, consists of six members, including the Chief Justice. After several changes, it was reorganized in 1869 under the Circuit Judges Act, with eight judges of the Supreme Court and a Supreme Court Judge, and until now, this scheme has been maintained.

[녹취: 루스벨트 대통령 연설] "What is My Proposal?" By Introducing into the Judiciary …

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt did not increase the number of judges to fifteen to appoint a person in favor of his policy at the Supreme Court


The US Constitution requires the president to appoint a judge of the Supreme Court. But the candidate for the Supreme Court must be approved by the Senate.

When the president appoints a candidate, the Senate Judiciary Committee hears the hearing first, verifies the candidate, and the nomination motion adopted here is entered in the Senate's overall vote.

To obtain the approval of the Supreme Court at the General Assembly of the Senate, a simple majority of 51 votes is required

"The Supreme Court of Justice"

The Speaker American Donald Trump introduced the candidate last year

[녹취: 트럼프 대통령] He said that the designated senior official was a qualified person. "Judge Gorsuch has excellent legal skills …"

However, the federal constitution has no provision for the Supreme Court or the Supreme Court.

Accordingly, the President of the United States considers his professionalism, his personal and political affinities, his political orientation and his symbolic representations of race or religion when he designates the Supreme Court.

"Controversy Surrounding the Mandate of the Supreme Court" 19659003] The United States Supreme Court and the Chief Justice of the United States serve their entire lives in accordance with the Federal Constitution.

Article 3 of the Federal Constitution states that federal judges can maintain their functions while maintaining "good behavior".

[녹취: 양키 두들]

Those who participated in the first constitutional drafting of the United States adopted the terms of reference of judges to ensure judicial independence.

In fact, the absolute authority enjoyed by the judges of the United States Supreme Court is largely influenced by this term for life.

However, life expectancy has been much higher than in the past, and the reason why it is difficult to read the evolution of the era is because of the fact that It is difficult to read correctly There is also a voice against the federal justice system.

[녹취: 루스벨트 대통령 연설] In the past, there has been no attempt to limit the mandate of the Supreme Court of Justice in the United States. "Whenever a federal court has reached the age of seventy …"

President Franklin Roosevelt, who is famous for his New Deal policy, plans to limit the length of the Supreme Court at 70 in 1936 after New Deal policies were declared unconstitutional in the Supreme Court.

Statistics show that the average tenure of the US Supreme Court was only 15 years after the founding of the United States until 1970. However, judges appointed after 1970 took their retirement after serving an average of 25 years.

Four of the nine Supreme Court justices, including Justice Anthony Kennedy, now retired from the United States Supreme Court, have been in office for more than 20 years.

Constitutional judges who constituted considerably influenced American history and society.

It was also the Supreme Court justices who decided in the 2000 US presidential election that Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore won or lost.

In the 2000 US presidential election, Republican Bush won several hundred votes in Florida. However, when it was revealed that there were 14,000 invalid votes in the counting process, it was argued that "we should manually count the number again."

[녹취: 2000년 플로리다 대법원 발표] "The trial court in this case concluded that the evidence does not support …"

If the result of the count was reversed at that time, the Democratic candidate Gore was elected president. But the Supreme Court ruled that "manual recapitalization is unconstitutional" from five to four.

George W. Bush was confirmed as the 43rd President of the United States within 35 days after the election.

[음향: 남북전쟁 시기 군대 행진곡]

In other cases, the US Supreme Court pointed out that the civil war has caused a myriad of casualties.

[음향: 동성결혼 허용 관련 VOA NEWS]

In addition, the same-bad marriage constitution that raged in the United States in 2015 was the decision of the Supreme Court in 1857 that the Supreme Court ruled that Slavery was not a citizen.

"The current Federal Supreme Court justice of conservative justice" is a very important part of the justice of the United States Supreme Court, as most sensitive issues such as judgment, including the abortion and possession of firearms,

Five of the nine judges of the United States Supreme Court are appointed by the Republican Party and four by the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Chief Justices of the Republican Party include Chief Justice John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy and Chief Justice Neil Goschy. On the other hand, the Supreme Court judges appointed by the Democratic presidents are Stephen Brier, Elena Kagan, Sonia Soto Mallor, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

Among them, Kennedy, who is retiring, served for 30 years,

When Justice Kennedy of the Supreme Court resigned and Justice Brett Cavner, appointed by President Trump, was approved, the The ideological framework of the Federal Supreme Court remains unchanged from the four major reforms under way.

In the News: Brett Cavner J.

  Brett Cavner JA of the Federal Court of Justice Appointed New Supreme Court Candidate to Meet Senator Mitch McConnell,

Brett Cavanaugh, Appeal Federal Appointment Appointed for a New Supreme Court Tribunal

It's time for "news people" to introduce the person who has become a subject in recent news. A judge of the court gets into the US Capitol building to meet Republican Senator Mitch McConnell. On July 9, US President Donald Trump appointed the new Supreme Court Judge for the Brett Cavner Federal Circuit Appeals Court for the new Supreme Court.

The 53 year old Caberno candidate is from Bethesda, Maryland, in the eastern United States. Cameroon is a graduate of Yale Law School, a prestigious graduate school.

Cavanao joined the Kenneth Star Team Special Attendance Team, investigating suspicions about President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, and entering Washington's political circle.

In 2003, President Bush appointed candidate Cavana judge to the Federal Court of Appeal.

Nominee Caberno was Conservative in his role as a Federal Court Judge in Washington DC for 12 years.

With respect to firearms ownership and environmental regulation

Caberno also stated that he was pregnant and illegally in the United States regarding the issue of abortion, but he did not know that he was pregnant. We objected to the majority opinion that the government should provide abortion procedures for minors who have been trapped.

The conservative camp in the United States, however, says that Caberno's candidate entered the Federal Supreme Court and made a conservative decision on the Supreme Court. I expect it to play a decisive role in the release.

Yes. News catching up, today I've heard about the US Supreme Court, and the new Judge Brett Cavner, who was appointed to the United States Supreme Court. It was Kim Jung Woo until now.

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