[뉴스pick] I had a death sentence … Fumal Chamber Frozen and Suddenly Resurrected


  I had a death sentence ...

The woman who was sentenced to death was surprised to wake up miraculously in the frozen state of the morgue at the morgue.

A woman was involved in a car accident in Gauteng, South Africa, on the 24th of last month

On the spot, an ambulance crew arrived, and the woman was rescuing, but She is dead. Subsequently, the woman's body was moved to the morgue.

By the way, a staff member who entered the morgue after a while was surprised.

According to paramedics rushed to the scene at that time, the woman had no breathing or pulse at the time of her death.

Paramedic An official said, "We have confirmed that this woman is dead," and that "our job is to save lives and there is no reason to condemn to death for a living person ".

The Health Authority says it's investigating the case.

This is an "information choice"

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