[사설] Ulsan should be fully prepared to be the main player in Northern Economic Cooperation


Local governments are keenly interested in the new Northern Policy in preparation for the era of peace on the Korean Peninsula. The new North Korean policy advocated by President Moon Jae-in aims to strengthen economic exchanges and cooperation with northern countries such as Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. The government has already launched the Northern Economic Cooperation Committee last August.

The mayor of Song Cheol Ho also made several plans for North Korean politics. Song plans to promote Ulsan as the central city of the inter-Korean economic cooperation of the East Sea coastal belt.
The government plans to promote economic cooperation with the industrial cities of Najin, Sonbong, Dannung, Wonsan and Ulsan in North Korea and build related infrastructure such as storage bases at Ulsan Port in order to of the introduction of Russian natural gas.
Meanwhile, the Ulsan Development Institute, a think tank of the Ulsan region, has presented some suggestions to meet the new Nordic policy.

It is necessary to focus on the establishment of an inter-Korean exchange committee, the long-term establishment of a special industrial complex in Ulsan and the relationship between the two cities.

– Bridge Strategy, "Ulsan suggested that it would be possible to respond first to gas, to the Arctic Highway and to shipbuilding. The reasons why Russian natural gas can be provided to all of Korea via North Korea through the reform and opening of North Korea, the increased expectations for the port of Ulsan and the larger ones shipbuilding companies. . And that prepare for the Northern Economic Era. Ulsan-Korea Economic and Cultural Exchange Committee to participate in universities, research institutes, enterprises, Ulsan Port Corporation and related organizations to establish Ulsan as a basis for northern economic cooperation. It is necessary to select a specific region or special area on the east coast of North Korea, where Ulsan can move in and operate as a sister city.

The city of Ulsan actively reflects the proposal of the Institute of Ulsan Development Research to the policy.It is a strong point that Ulsan has the ability to provide the world's best. energy to the economic region of the East Sea. I hope that the economic cooperation of North Korea and the plan of inter-Korean economic cooperation will be established. In addition, cooperation with the North Korea Economic Cooperation Committee should be strengthened. Keep in mind that only a thorough preparation can be the central city of the era of economic cooperation between North Korea and South Korea.

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