[사회][뉴스통] Hypertension in a pharmacy About 104 sales have resumed …


■ Byung-Wook Yoo / Professor, Soonchunhyang University / Lawyer Jung Il Chae / Lawyer


Since last week's announcement of a list of antihypertensive drugs whose ingredients are potentially carcinogenic, the problem continues to grow.

Also, in a day of the ban, some drugs did not use the raw materials of the problem, and they took over sales, confusion is a growing situation.

Yoo Byung-wook, professor of family medicine at Soonchunhyang University, and attorney Jung Il-chae, a doctor's attorney, came to the hospital. Hello!



Professor Yoo Byeong-wook, is this a trend towards the medicine of hypertension? What is the status now?

[인터뷰] In fact, the confusion worsens, but I am a bit skeptical about it as a specialist.

But it is the company that provided the raw material, impurities and impurities, one of the carcinogenic substances, because the drug against blood pressure, valsartan, is a long time ago one of the stable and most valued drugs. He went out. This is one of the common people, the most important, those who are prescribed this blood pressure medication, especially the elderly elderly are many.


What substance is valsartan? What kind of stuff can viewers not know?

[인터뷰] First of all, I want to give you. My mother is also taking blood pressure medication from a group that contains valsartan. First, it is a drug that inhibits the receptors of angiotensin II

. It is a drug that regulates the binding of global blood pressure by regulating specific hormones in the kidney, which provides them stably,


But now the question n & # 39 is not the valsalt itself, but the other substance in valsartan is the problem?

[인터뷰] I wanted to explain this part exactly, so I went out.

In a Chinese company that has had problems recently, as the process has changed, impurities have entered and this impurity is one of the carcinogens.


Although it is not on the list published by the Food and Drug Administration, it is safe to use other drugs even if it is not high blood pressure, including valsartan?

[인터뷰] I do not really have a question about this question, but I left it because I wanted to induce it and answer it. The reason is that the ingredient called valsartan is designed only as a hypertensive drug and that it contains no other drugs than hypertension, protection of blood vessels and strengthening of blood pressure because it stabilizes the blood pressure and protects the blood vessels.


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You mentioned some time ago, but that is Valsartan made in China. Looks like you are doing Valbadaltan in several places, is not it? There is a problem with the NDMA ingredient in Valsartan, made in China, is this the case?

[인터뷰] Yes. As mentioned earlier, valsartan itself is one of the treatments for hypertension medicine. NDMA, which is an impurity in this process, has become a problem.

The problem is that NDMA itself is not clearly defined as carcinogenic. I am in the process of clbadifying carcinogens in the International Cancer Institute.

For example, tobacco, other benzene or any other substance known to have some carcinogenicity is known to be carcinogenic to humans, such as group 1, group 2, group 3, On the other hand, in the case of the 2-A group, the NDMA in question is the estimated substance in the case of the corresponding 2-A group. So, it is said that it is possible to cause cancer in animal experiments, but there is a part of the study that is not yet sure whether it is possible. is a carcinogen certainly in the human body.

However, it is still uncertain, but the fact that NDMA can be estimated at any time is likely to be carcinogenic according to the study.


This ingredient is so strong that it can be used as an antioxidant, but it is not as safe as it is still carcinogenic, but there is always a part that can show a carcinogenicity.

[인터뷰] So, indeed, in the case of NDMA, which is a problem in this case, carcinogens in the human body are certainly not clbadified in group 1, but in the case of category 2-A because that it is a substance.

Because you explained it before There is no reason to use 2-A alleged substances. In fact, it is not yet clear, but it is a possibility, so it is right to exclude as much as possible the things that have been included.


The NDMA fears that there may be a problem if you have taken an anti-hypertensive medication containing valsartan in question for a long period of time.

[인터뷰] I have also received many of these questions. In fact, it is not the blood pressure that contains all the ingredients of valsartan, but impurities were discovered during the manufacturing process and it was forbidden. So when this impurity arrived, then it was over 200 and then it was lowered at the beginning.

I do not know yet how much of the ingredient is in it.

However, I think it would be easier to understand if I told you this, but I do not think it's easy for you to understand it because I do not know what concentration you have in each medication . I looked for examples from New Zealand.

It is said that this means that the amount of NDMA contained in a single cigarette is about 0.024 microgram. If that is the case, we will study in more detail how much this is based on this standard, and if we find out how long it has been in Korea for some time, we can talk about the danger.

For the moment,


Whatever it is, I do not want to take any more of these drugs anyway, because I can not say how much things are going to happen to pbad after I write this medicine to people. Is it true?

[인터뷰] Yes. For this reason, the measures taken by the pharmacy should be considered as preliminary for the first time that they were imported and registered at the time of first registration with 82 manufacturing companies.


What am I doing judgment? I do not know if it was published on Saturday, July 7th, If you are older, should you ask at a hospital or pharmacy? Or is it possible to check from a paper wrapper?

[인터뷰] In fact, it's a good thing that's what the press is talking about.

Or if you have a way to go to a health center or if it's difficult, you go to the pharmacy where you received the prescription, and when you see it,


In the case of hypertension drugs, I know that when you get a prescription, you get two or three months of medication.

[인터뷰] So, I was informed that the pharmaceutical company issued a policy on this part of the world, so if the patient is taking a blood pressure medication containing valsartan in question, I think that Is a question of what to do with the rest of the drug. The funds are not refundable. Therefore, it is difficult to return it with money, but it is said that the remaining medicine can be exchanged if the drug that was left, so that it was prescribed for 2 or 3 month,

If you can not get a prescription because of unavoidable circumstances, you can go to the pharmacy to get the same ingredient As it is said that you can take the medicine and take it back, you can talk to your doctor and discuss this part, then you can prescribe it and exchange it if you need it. [19659004J'aidecideapayermonco-paymentfree


Is there enough medicine to replace it?

[인터뷰] For the moment, the medicine against hypertension itself There are nearly 6,000 species and valsartan is one of a kind. There are many different series, very high blood pressure, and one of them is valsartan, and because there are many different types of valsartan, there is something that can replace other than the drug that contains the problematic ingredient.


I think that there is some of this place where I am sorry for the treatment of the place Why did you make a presentation during the weekend? At first, I announced that half of them are in agreement, resume sales, I have done it.

[인터뷰] In fact, I am not a representative of a pharmacy or a person working in a pharmacy. If I had made a presentation in Europe on July 5th and decided to make a decision on it, I think it was my personal opinion, I think the quick presentation was good.

. If you are on the Internet or have difficulty doing so, you will need to take a day or two of your blood pressure medications even if you are taking medications or other high blood pressure medications. because of the confusion or vague fear.

With regard to specialist doctors, it is first necessary to stop all these drugs completely, then, in due course, we will actually import the raw materials.


At first we stopped 219 products, then 104 again, and after that, there is no problem, would you?

[인터뷰] First, when 82 manufacturers said they were manufacturing a Chinese company called Zhejiang Haihang, it was the first time they reported that they were manufacturing. I blocked it.

I do not know why, but when a pharmaceutical company used it as a raw material in its manufacturing process, it was not necessary to group everything together,


It is emphasized that the way to check the products that have been abandoned is unidimensional.

[인터뷰] There seems to be enough of such an indication. In fact, my father, who is in our province, is also suffering from high blood pressure, but now that he knows nothing at all, I called him before I received this broadcast and told him to check for hypertension.


There are many people who do not even know now.

[인터뷰] I think hypertensive patients are in their thirties and forties

Of course, it is said that it is now possible to check through the homepage or another blog or Facebook on the Kikakusha, but it is not possible to

If you think about it, is there something like a disaster safety letter?

Another thing is that if there is such an urgent situation, there is a personal desire to have a system that can guide these things in the future.

If you look at the case, the first step to calm the situation is good, but unlike the first announcement, the second announcement revealed that the detection of radon was actually a concentration more dangerous than the actual concentration.


It would be necessary to take additional steps to prove that this is due to hypertensive drugs that have become a problem in the future. There is more, there seems to be a side effect, can I get compensation?

[인터뷰] In principle, the question of possible legal compensation is correct, but you can probably expect a very difficult conclusion to say


The burden of proof to the patient? This is true

[인터뷰] . As one anchor said, basically anyway, there is a loss to be entitled to damages, and then you must prove the causal link between any negligence or illegal act.

In the past, the case of disinfection events of the humidifier was taking time, but in fact there was some causal relationship between the components of the humidifier and the damage that occurred. were produced.

If this part is considered acquired at this stage, it will not be easy to clearly identify this part with NDMA material, but if it is revealed and the piece is proven, it is not not impossible at all.


Hypertension is a murderer of silence because it causes a fatal outcome if it is not treated without symptoms.In fact, hypertension is also dangerous but the complications caused by it are more dangerous.

[인터뷰] As you have just said, the silent murderer, there are no symptoms. Those who came here were just stunned and went back to blood pressure.

If the number is not important, but the blood pressure is constantly high, the blood vessels in the weakened part of the body become torn or damaged by it, and the secondary blood pressure

Therefore, it It is important for the management of hypertension to be careful not to go to a metabolic disease, ie obesity or other vascular disease. If you are diagnosed with this disease, I am worried for you because once you have done that, there are people who do not want to take your medicine for high blood pressure.


If you have any management errors, please introduce something.If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me. contact. Could you please?

[인터뷰] There are two things. It is the most important thing to control your weight so that you do not become a blood pressure patient.

If you have a family history or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and are taking medication, I would like to give you that expression.


It is said that because of this work, it is shaken by the petition of the National People's Congress of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

[인터뷰] I fundamentally believe that the measures so far do not are not inappropriate.

However, as I mentioned earlier, I think NDMA and the future are just as dangerous as those in the future. I think I need to do a little more examination on the issue.

It would not be easy to rule out the possibility that there was such a thing in the existing Balzartan, but it would not be easy.

The process of being treated after an anchor

because people with hypertension can suffer a lot of pain, so I think it is necessary to look at these parts carefully, strictly and surely, I hope you will be open to the public. Until now, he was a lawyer and lawyer. Thanks to you two.

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