[식약일보] Aggressive treatment of acute heart disease with depression, dramatic reduction in the rate of recurrence of heart disease


Professor Kim Jae-min of the Chonnam National University stated that the rate of recurrence of heart disease has been significantly reduced by actively treating post-traumatic syndrome badociated with acute heart disease, said the ministry


The results of this study were published on July 25 in JAMA, the most prestigious journal in the field of medicine.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is the most common cause of depression after severe heart disease and it has been reported that depression accompanies a 3 to 4-fold increase in the rate of Recurrence and Mortality Rate There has been a question in the medical community about "whether treatment for cardiac depression can improve the prognosis of heart disease."

Professor Kim Jae-min, a 12-year long-term study, found that adequate therapeutic interventions for depression after heart disease can significantly reduce the rate of recurrence of heart disease and improve prognosis long-term. [19659002]

We conducted a six-month antidepressant-placebo trial for six months with 300 patients suffering from depression as a result of heart disease and badessed the recurrence rate and mortality rate of heart disease over a period of 5 to 12 years. , The recurrence rate of heart disease was reduced by 46% and the mortality rate by 18%, respectively, in the treatment of depression

↑ Summary of the study procedure and results

This study is expected to reduce the burden of the disease in patients with severe heart disease and depression ,

A new clinical practice is presented to clinicians in cardiology as well as to psychiatrists by presenting clinical techniques that can successfully treat depression badociated with depression.

Professor Kim Jae-min said, "The results of this study suggest that the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder badociated with severe physical illness can significantly improve the prognosis of a physical illness, and that the diagnosis and treatment are important. "

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