[신간] Looks like a gentleman and a scientist, science.


Chronicle of the Generation of Korea · Sherlock Holmes Science Investigation Club

▲ Shinto Shrine and Sunbi = made of a hundred seongjong.
We badyzed the traditional spirit of mind and the Western gentleman who developed in the Middle Ages. It also examines the characteristics and history of the Japanese mausoleum.

The Shinto Shrine was the driving force for raising civilized and responsible citizens, and it became the basis of modern citizen consciousness.

On the other hand, the Joseon Dynasty had flourished the culture due to Sunbei, but they were about to fall because of them. As the Chosun dynasty was destroyed, the spirit of Sunbei declined.

A seasoned historian and professor at the Korean Institute of Technology and Education, the author points out that there are many virtues that we lacked now.

The Zenbyes had a pure character that tempered their material desires and were humble and respected the natural order.

The author says that we should look for clues to improve the quality of society on the preeminent tradition, such as the historical experience of the West.

Spread. 324. 17 thousand won.

▲ This looks like science = done by Dave Levitton. I moved to Lee Young Ae.

He explores the antiscient rhetoric that exposes the indulgences that politicians who affect the lives of many people are not scientists.

A number of examples and techniques that American politicians have committed or manipulated in relation to scientific issues are described in detail.

In a Republican presidential election in 2016, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in an interview, denied global warming and said that satellite data showed no apparent warming over the past 17 years.

The reference time was set in 1998 because the temperature of the El Niño phenomenon was abnormally high that year, and it seemed that there was no significant change in the overall temperature compared to the year.

This sort of picking cherries, which only picks up information that is favorable to you and ignores the greatest evidence, is one of the methods used by politicians to distort scientific facts.

American science journalist, he points out that there is no choice but to set a day of boundaries so as not to kneel on misplaced information, deception and degenerate language.

More quests. 300 pages. 15,000 won

▲ Generation in Korea: Chosun Dynasty.

The characteristics of the modern age and the generational phenomenon of our society, such as the industrialized generation, the baby boomer generation, the X generation, and the 880,000 won generation, are illuminated from the point of view of culture and sociology.

We examine the theoretical implications of the concept of generation and describe the discussions and problems that have been around the generation in our society.

Using abundant interview data for people of every generation, she also included a living voice of generation experience, generation awareness and generation conflicts.

As a professor in the sociology department of Ewha Womans University, he claims that each generation has played a mirror role in illuminating every era of Korean society, promoting generational conflict and calling for the best of the world. harmony and solidarity.

Ewha Womans University Publishing Center. 320 pages. Twenty thousand won

▲ Club of Scientific Investigation Sherlock Holmes = Yoo Seung-seung and Jung Myung-seop.

An introduction to scientific research methods that appeared in the works of Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), famous author of the mystery novel series English Sherlock Holmes.

The Conan Doyle Reading Club, a collection of mystery writers, writing specialists, Sherlock Holmes professional translators and attorneys, led by Professor Yoo Seung-seok, professor of right at Soonchunhyang University, said that Conan Doyle possessed a number of Find and badyze the survey codes. The book has linked stories that have been unraveled in the process.

It shows in detail how elements such as fingerprints, bloodstains, poisonings, fingerprints, serial murders, etc., which are important in criminal investigations today, appear in the work of the 100 years ago and serve as clues. The techniques of scientific investigation appearing in the work of Conan Doyle, ophthalmologist, are mysterious. It was used right after this time or after a long time. In law and academia, Sherlock Holmes is not a detective with intuition, but a typical jurist.

The book reinterprets Conan Doyle, a mysterious novelist known to ordinary readers, as the starting point of modern science fiction.

The Wise map reveals. Page 312. 17 thousand won.

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(Seoul = Yonhap News) Lee,

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