[약업신문] Distribution of instructions on the safe use of yellow fever and cholera vaccine for a safe trip abroad


The Food and Drug Administration will distribute "safe use instructions" to all public health centers and medical facilities in the country, including vaccination targets for yellow fever vaccine and vaccine The introductory note is designed to help people enjoy a safe and enjoyable holiday by providing them with the right information on vaccines that can prevent yellow fever and cholera during summer travel.

Yellow fever is a disease caused by yellow fever virus mosquito bites when bitten by mosquitoes, and it is present in many parts of Africa and Africa. Central and South America.

Cholera is a disease caused by seafood such as water or fish and shellfish contaminated with excrement from people infected with cholera, and is widespread in Africa and South Asia .

The yellow fever vaccine and cholera vaccine safety instruction manual includes: △ vaccination target △ vaccination precautions △ countermeasures in abnormal cases △ frequently asked questions .

The yellow fever vaccine is recommended when one travels to areas dangerous for yellow fever such as Africa and it can be inoculated to children and adults over 9 months of age.

However, infants, chickens, eggs or vaccine components less than 6 months old should not be inoculated if they have been hypersensitive to anaphylactic reactions such as anaphylaxis.

Although it is recommended that a vaccine is not necessary for revaccination, it may be necessary to revaccinate for high-risk groups such as the elderly.

Cholera vaccine is used to prevent cholera It is recommended to vaccinate children and adults 2 years and older, 2 times for 6 years or more, 3 times for children 2 to 5 years. Recommended

In case of hypersensitivity reactions following oral cholera vaccination, inoculations should not be administered if reactions of hypersensitivity to formaldehyde or vaccine components have occurred.

KFDA will continue to provide consumers with the information they need to be vaccinated properly


In addition, severe allergic reactions or severe or persistent abnormalities occur after vaccination. If you have any complaints, please visit the Korea Drug Safety Agency (Tel: 1644-6223), online (www.drugsafe.or.kr) or by e-mail ( [email protected]). I asked to report it.

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