[약업신문] Kanamaishin consignment manufacturing country budget 500 million annual savings


Introduction to Best Practice … Contributing to the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Cooperation with Yuhan Corporation

It is again noted that the Korean government has asked Kanamycin to manufacture and provide multidrug-resistant and stable tuberculosis.

In April 2015, Yuhan, the only company producing Kanamycin, a multidrug-resistant TB drug, the national essential drug,

Patients with multidrug-resistant TB are forced to use amikacin as an alternative, but in the case of amikacin, they receive a therapeutic dose (15 mg / kg, maximum dose: 1 g) In case of intramuscular injection (maximum 3 times a day), intravenous injection takes a lot of time (30 ~ 60 minutes)

In this regard, the Pharmaceutical Affairs Division of the Drug Administration was requested to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Control Division AIDS and Tuberculosis) on July 23, 2015 to ensure continued supply of Kanamycin. ] The Pharmaceutical Policy Division of Pharmacists first imported and provided kanamycin injections in Germany in 2015 and 2016, and persuaded them that domestic production of Kanamycin would be needed through Yuhan and several times until the end of the year. In December 2015. [19659005] However, Yuhan said that kanamycin is a low-cost drug, it is difficult to obtain raw materials in Korea, and basic maintenance costs such as l & # 39; Basic inspection and distribution costs are required in addition to the manufacturing cost.

As a result, the Pharmaceutical Policy Division of the Korean Pharmacopoeia announced in January 2016 that the Korean Center for Rare and Essential Medicines

The Pharmaceutical Biological Association was established in February of the same year in order to establish establish a contract with the national pharmaceutical company and the Korea Pharmaceutical Biological Society (then the Korea Pharmaceutical Association) to investigate the five major drug manufacturers such as kanamycin. Yuhan told reporters that he had requested a stable supply for Kanamaishin's consigned manufacturing, and that the Pharmaceutical Policy Division had negotiated contract terms and a delivery price agreement starting in March for the contract manufacturing contract.

In order to make production stable by minimizing the influence of the quality of the raw material on kanamycin, we suggested that it was necessary to improve the formulation with the injection of liquid instead of powder injection. In May 2016, the Drug Policy Division was established in the Central Examination Committee of Kanama Pharmacists and received approval from the Essential Drug Center – Yuhan in June, and received 120,000 ampoules of kanamycin shipped in April 2017.

Since then, the headquarters of disease control has purchased Kanamycin

The Board of Audit and Inspection said: "The measures will provide a basis stable supply for the national manufacture of drugs for disease management and will reduce the disadvantages of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis "

He added:" We have ordered Kanamaishin, a national essential drug, to manufacture and supply foreign pharmaceutical products by national pharmaceutical companies, and said: "We have contributed to the establishment of a collective immune system and the protection of saved a budget of 500 million won based on 120,000 ampoules of liver requirement

In addition, the manufacture of kanamycin shipments is the first case of government supply of stable essential drugs through the manufacture of consignment, followed by the commissioning of the "Hexen's remedy" and the "arthromycin capsule"

Accordingly, the Board of Audit and Inspection stated: "The Ministry of Health , Labor and Social Affairs (MHLW) commissioned a national drug, kanamycin, to manufacture and sell to national drug companies. "I was selected as the recipient of the Commissioner's Certificate because I acknowledge that I have contributed to the treatment of patients with MDR-TB."

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