[약업신문] What is the cause of the exclusion of public pharmacies from the closure of the public hospital?


Special Envoy …

The Department of Health and Welfare recently announced a strong willingness to block hospital secretariats such as the Special Envoy, and the reason for which suppression of pharmacies was excluded holds the attention.

  Shin Hyun-doo Medical Policy Officer (left) and Kim Jung-yeon Policy Practice Officer ▲ Shin Hyun Doo Medical Policy Officer (left)

The Department of Health and Welfare, the Department of Health and the Department of Health and Welfare held a special press conference and information session for present detailed measurements of hospital clerks.

This is the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Health Insurance Corporation

In particular, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOFAT) has stated that the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs (MIC)

The policy of the medical institution and scribe Shin Hyun-doo pointed out that "an enforcement system special using the special system of enlightenment of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and plans to establish a system of investigation and cooperation with prosecutors, the police and the Financial Supervision Service to improve the rate of seizure of hospitals. "

The new scribe said:" In the case of special envoys who stated that "" If we run the special office of the Ministry of it is difficult to eradicate the neighborhood office by itself, 39; is a party to consider in the future, it is premature to give special permission to the company. "

Regarding Lynnian City, "As the hospital secretarial system has become more advanced and intelligent, such as the abuse of the enterprise system, it becomes difficult to detect it without internal information, and when the librarian of the master licensee voluntarily reports it,

On the other hand, a drug loan pharmacy (pharmacy pharmacy), which must solve problems similar to those of a hospital administrator ,

The scribe Shin Hyun-doo said, "The hospital pharmacy and the secretarial hospital" It's a good idea to crack down on them because they're similar in nature, but they have different legal grounds in terms of pharmacist and medical law. "

The new secretariat said: "According to the current status, the secretariat is responsible for the administration of the hospital, (19659003), and the related policy, Kim Jung-yeon, has said: "In 2016 the government will not be able to apply countermeasures against face-to-face pharmacies, but this will be possible if the law on pharmacists I have submitted a recommendation for that the law on pharmaceutical cases be placed in the seat of the special envoy, but it was excluded after the examination. " [ad_2]
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