[여름철 곰팡이 피부질환] The skin is cool … Wash well, dry well, ventilate well


Many patients seek a hospital because of skin problems during the toxic summer season. In summer, it is difficult to manage the skin because of the strong ultraviolet radiation and the environment at high temperature and high humidity, which easily causes skin problems and aggravates the existing disease. In summer, the growth rate of the fungus is so high that if it is not treated, the disease can worsen.
The most common fungal disease

The tongue of the groin and pestilence
The outpatient dermatology 10 ~ 20%

The bacterial infection when the foot of the athlete is not allowed

Foot, groin, armpit, etc.
Clean up and do not sweat

■ Prevent deterioration by early treatment
It is good to grow mold in a hot and humid environment during the rainy season and in the summer. The fungus is a microorganism that is primarily active in a moist, sunless environment with about 100,000 known molds. About 200 of them cause infections in humans.

Molds can cause diseases such as runny nose, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, respiratory and skin diseases, and for immunocompromised persons or those with chronic lung diseases.

In general, a common problem with mold is a skin disease.

It is a skin disease caused by fungi, a skin disease caused by fungus, divided into a superficial skin fungus that invades the epidermis and a deep cutaneous fungus that invades the dermis. Athlete's foot and hair with a superficial mushroom that grows mushrooms on keratin, such as hands and nails. It is a very common skin condition, accounting for about 10 to 20% of outpatient dermatology patients.

■ Foot infection of an athlete, bacterial infection on the skin

Foot athlete is a foot in the foot It is also known as white pine, which represents 33 ~ 40% of the total pineapple of white pine. It is easy to mimic mildew on feet that are hot and humid environment and always wear shoes and socks. In places where there are many people, such as baths and pools, it is possible to spread from foot to foot through the dead skin.

The type of blister shows several blisters or pustules on the sides of the plants, toes and feet. The symptoms of blisters are: blisters, spindles, angular explosions or two or more blasts. The sprains occur between the toes, especially between the fourth and second toes. The skin changes as if it's called water, and the skin starts to change and blush or crack.

When the athlete's foot is not treated, the mold must penetrate the fingernails and be treated with a long-term drug for the athlete's foot, and various forms like the groin, the torso and the scalp. For the site

To avoid the athlete's foot, wash your feet well every day, carefully wipe the toes with a dry towel, then briefly It must be dried. It is good to have a basketball that is made of cotton, and it is good to have a little margin, and the shoes have a small margin for it to be well ventilated. The Institute of Dermatology of Inje University of Busan Paik said: "The athlete's foot is a well treated skin disease, but recently a new treatment of athlete's feet is very effective, so most of the foot can be removed in a few weeks or months. "There are a lot of folk remedies regarding athlete's foot treatment, and I advise you to be careful because it has a lot of corrosive effect-free action like vinegar, mouth cleanser and garlic juice. "

■ The skin is clean and airy

The frame is consulted with the Professor of Dermatology of Busan Paik Hospital. Busan Paik Hospital offers

The circulating sebaceous glands account for 20 to 30% of pineal gland patients, most of them occurring in adult men. In summer, it worsens and improves in winter.

It is often accompanied by tenderness of the feet, it is good to check the line of tenderness of the foot if there is a tendon line of the groin. The line of the groin appears as red spots on the crotch only as a grain of rice, then gradually increases and is arranged in the form of arch. Gradually progresses towards the perineum, around the anus, and towards the bad. Often confused with eczema and corticosteroids, not only aggravates the symptoms, but also causes side effects.

To prevent ringworm from the groin, wear undergarments that absorb sweat well, and pants should be dressed so that ventilation is good. People who sit and work all day must get up from time to time to evacuate the groin to prevent sweating.

Triceps are the most common of the sweaty neck, chest, back, armpits, shoulders and shoulders of sweaty people. Beginning with spots on the arms, gradually expanding and fusing. There are no other symptoms than mild itching, but there are cases where the aesthetic appearance is not good and the area exposed to the sun as a face is left behind like a weak pigment spot.

It can be treated with a topical preparation, but it is recommended to apply it once or twice a month to prevent recurrence for at least 2 weeks. You can prevent your body from sweating and keep your skin clean by taking a frequent shower.

Choi Seon-heon reporter [email protected]

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