[열대야 이기려면 ②] What is a cold food for diabetics? Path of self-search


– Difficult to eat a lot of cold food when it's hot and sleepy
– "Diarrhea leads to dehydration …"
– "If you can not sleep, you'll get rid of the rhythm .

The tropical seasons have just arrived. Even if the sun goes down and the temperature is above 25 degrees, the tropical zone is hard for an average person to tolerate, but it can be more difficult for people with diabetes. It is difficult to manage blood glucose because of the difficulty of sleeping when the tropical zone continues, and if you fall into a dehydrated state, your blood sugar can rise sharply and become dangerous.

Especially this summer, there is a long-term tropical forecast with a heat wave. Frequent consumption of hot foods can cause diarrhea and dehydration, resulting in acute complications of diabetes or hypoglycemia.

Diabetic patients may have difficulty controlling blood glucose if the tropical zone is persistent. If you exercise late at night, you will not be able to sleep. [헤럴드경제DB]

Regular meals and balanced menus are known to be a very important factor in the management of glycemia in diabetics. This is often the case that the appetite decreases in the heat that continues to get late at night and makes you sleep, and you often find cold foods like cold drinks and ice cream.

But diabetics need to pay attention to these foods. Drinking water and ice cream contain a lot of simple sugars, which can have a bad influence on blood sugar.

As appetite declines, many people prefer cold noodles, noodles, etc., to their meals. Lee Eun-jung, professor of endocrinology and medicine at Kangbuk's Samsung Hospital, said, "Like a high-carbohydrate diet like cold noodles and noodles can suddenly increase sugar levels in the blood, you should take a moderate amount of food. "It's important to be careful because it causes dehydration, which can lead to acute complications or even hypoglycemia."

Example of the summer diet of diabetic patients. [자료=대한당뇨병학회]

Exercise consumes calories and improves the effect of diet, and is directly recommended for diabetics by dropping blood sugar directly. However, in summer, it is best to keep the temperature between 10 am and 2 pm until the day the temperature is not too high for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Especially if you do not sleep at night because of the tropical night, the exercise suddenly can break the rhythm of life and you should avoid it.

Professor Lee said, "You should take cold water to avoid dehydration if you sweat a lot and take 200 ml of water every 20 minutes during exercise to avoid the dehydration during exercise. He said, "You should be careful that you drink your drink containing sugars when you are thirsty after exercise. "

Sleep is the same, if you do not get enough sleep, your rhythm will be broken and your blood sugar may get worse, so you can take a shower with lukewarm water to lower the heat. inside your body or use an air conditioner or ventilator to adjust the room temperature to 24 ~ 26 degrees.

Diabetics should pay attention to diabetes.If an injury occurs, this is not not better than the average person.In particular, diabetic foot ulcers are a terrible complication of decomposing toes or ulceration of a part of the foot, which is likely to occur in summer. Diabetic patients often have the impression that their wrists are not painful even if they have a sensation on their feet, and that their wounds have developed and become more and more severe and difficult to heal. Professor Lee said, "If you suffer from a foot disease, such as athlete's foot, you could get worse because of sweating, you have to keep your feet clean and dry."

In summer, the weather is so hot that many people go barefoot without wearing socks, or wearing sandals or slippers. This behavior is forbidden to diabetics. It is good to wear a cotton sock that absorbs and perspires sweat well and selects a small one with a seam.

Professor Lee said, "In the summer, acute complications of diabetes mellitus occur a lot," said Professor Lee. "The temptation of summer food, such as drinks that increase blood sugar, It is good to win, pay attention to dehydration in too hot weather, to exercise and sleep well so to be able to spend a healthy summer. "

Shin Sangyun reporter /[email protected]

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