[인터뷰] Yoo Seung-min, head of the investment strategy team of Samsung Securities North Korea "North Korea's investment, long and big eyes"


<img src = "http://img.asiatoday.co.kr/file/2018y/07m/25d/2018072401002491100137501.jpg" border = "0" alt = "One of the biggest changes in the Korean company this year is the improvement of inter-Korean relations, one of the most important changes of Korean society this year

Samsung Securities Yoo Seung-min 3 While the inter-Korean summit and the summit the domestic capital market has become an issue that penetrates the economy, politics and society, including a rise in stock prices related to inter-Korean economic cooperation.

In the sector From financial investment, there is a growing trend to consider this change process as an opportunity.Samsung Securities is the first company in the industry to create a team dedicated to North Korea. created a reg team to appoint a senior researcher, Yoo Seung-min, to head North Korea's investment strategy team, as opposed to the competitors who manage the North Korean Task Force to deal with the problems. .

I am a North Korean expert who has been paying attention to related issues since I was part of the team. "In fact, I have not done research on North Korea for a long time, but the context itself is not much, however, I have studied in depth to explain the geopolitical risks while supporting investment strategies, and I think it's competitive that I have accumulated my ideas since last year. "

In fact, ensure It is difficult. Samsung has a long-term advantage in business services, and its networks and collaboration systems are well established among affiliates.

Yoo's team highlighted recent changes in relations between South Korea and North Korea. "It is important to recognize the current inter-Korean reconciliation mode as a process of integration, not a unification."

What would happen if North Korea began to reform and open its doors in Vietnam as a model? In the past, it was estimated that the cost of unification was estimated due to the principle of unification of absorption. Yoo pointed out "the rational approach". It just means that we should avoid vague expectations and approaches that Korea will be the biggest beneficiary because they are the same people. Yoo said: "North Korea has chosen to open its doors to survive, but will not take full control of the initiative." Our country is pbadive and has no choice but to wait for the choice of North Korea. "

The recent inter-Korean economic cooperation that has updated the stock market has also been criticized as" the denuclearization of North Korea, "as there is no concrete picture of the situation as a whole, the current movement is less entrenched. " Yoo said, "The toxic stockbroker has an impatient look on the North Korean problem." This behavior is like the situation of a businessman working in a famous restaurant. that if you are interested only in short-term events, there is no interest in the benefits and ideas of the information accumulated in your relationship with North Korea.

Yoo said: "The North Korean investment strategy team of Samsung Securities is trying to explain not only the individual problems but also the background of North Korea." We will strengthen our staff and network to provide regular and periodic reports.

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