[일문일답] Kang, Kyung-hwa "Denuclearization of North Korea,


Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hua said on June 18 (local time): "It is a common goal of the North to achieve denuclearization and an objective of the international community," he said. he declares. .
Kang, who visited Britain for the first time since his inauguration, said at a meeting with Korean correspondents in London that "denuclearization should be long."

Kang explains that dialogue will continue between North Korea and the United States on a broader agenda than denuclearization, he said, "We will work closely with the United States to ensure a virtuous cycle between the two parties ".

The following is the interview with Kang.

– This was my first visit to the UK after my inauguration.

▲ Jeremy Hunt In a strategic dialogue with the British Foreign Minister, we talked about the importance of the post-Brexit and the importance of Korea.

From Britain's point of view, As the change of situation was the biggest problem, it became a chance to get cooperation by explaining each other. It is a common position that there should be no disruption in bilateral relations because of the violations.

– The position of the British government on the situation of the Korean peninsula.

▲ Britain, as it has been up to now, is able to actively support and play a role as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Cooperation with the United States and co-operation with Japan, China and Russia is important with regard to the North Korean nuclear issue, but this should lead to greater international support.

– It is emphasized that the pace of follow-up of denuclearization in North Korea is slow.

▲ Expectations become too high. The two summits took place twice, and the North American summit is held again. It is expected that negotiations will progress at the same pace after what happens once every few years. But to bring denuclearization is a very long breath. There are also a lot of technical problems. After the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang, the United States is preparing for the implementation of the negotiations and is coordinating closely with us.

He will soon visit New York and inform the Pompeii Secretariat of the Council. Cooperation between Korea and the United States is strong. Denuclearization is not the only problem. The results of the North American Singapore Summit include improving relations with North America. The dialogue between North America will continue with a broader agenda than denuclearization. We will work closely with the United States to ensure a virtuous cycle between the two parties.

– Possibility of holding summit talks at the United Nations General Assembly in September.

▲ This is hard to say, and we do not discuss it specifically, but we can not rule out the possibility. In the past, it took several months to prepare the inter-Korean summit, but it has now taken this step. Moon Jae-in will travel to Pyongyang, but there is no way of knowing what kind of communication there will be between the summit.

– The possibility of declaring the end of the war at the United Nations General Assembly in September.

▲ The Panmunjom Declaration also explicitly stated that it would promote the end-of-year declaration. We will make diplomatic efforts, but it is difficult to say when everything is done.

– Do you intend to discuss with the Foreign Ministers of the United States and South Korea?

▲ The Regional Forum of ASEAN (ARF) is in two weeks. I am waiting for the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Korea. I hope we will have a meeting between the two Koreas. As we communicate with the United States from time to time, we will be able to talk about many things, including the declaration of war.

– The British media continue to highlight the issue of human rights in North Korea.

▲ There is no interest, and it is different to express it publicly. Negotiation and conversation are adversaries. The government also understands that the human rights situation in North Korea is bad and should be the focus of international attention. We are actively participating in human rights discussions in North Korea at the UN. However, it is a matter of judgment if it can fit into the official agenda of denuclearization and restoring peace that goes beyond that. You should have a long-term breathing. I am sure that there is a call for improvement. I must make a more enlightened judgment. If the dialogue with North Korea becomes a routine in the process of achieving the results of denuclearization, we will create the conditions for further changes.

– North Korea renders its US military remnants on the day of the armistice.

▲ We can handle the problem of repatriation with North Korea when it arrives. Defense cbads have been opened and various programs such as the Demilitarized Zone Peace Zone (DMZ) and the peaceful waters of the West Coast are under discussion. We can handle the problem of repatriation on the extension line.

– US President Donald Trump said there was no limit of time and speed for denuclearization negotiations.

▲ Denuclearization should go a long way. The goal of complete denuclearization is a common goal and goal of the international community. This must be done even if it takes time and speed.

– There is an indication that North Korea is hiding equipment or nuclear testing facilities despite the denuclearization declaration.

▲ This is mainly about the dimension of information, but it closely follows the trends. We also exchange information with the United States. It does not seem to be the part that is public or not. All facilities and capabilities related to North Korea's nuclear weapons are subject to denuclearization.

– Pompeii Oh, I think the North Korean reaction after the North Korean visit calls the sign of the United States, as the guarantee of the system.

▲ Basically, the United States wants to denuclearize North Korea and North Korea wants to guarantee the American system. Regarding the economic aspect, the sanctions of the UN Security Council were caused by the nuclear problem. In order to provide economic aid to North Korea, the sanctions must be lifted and the denuclearization measures of North Korea are necessary for the lifting of the sanctions. The guarantee of the system is a lever (leverage) that the United States has. President Trump has committed to the Singapore summit. This is not a place to unilaterally advise the United States to give this or that to North Korea in order to derive the denuclearization of North Korea, but there is a common option for the States alliance. United States – Republic of Korea. I will tell you that we are working closely with the United States and we are preparing for that when we talk to North Korea.

– What can North Korea do if it can not solve economic sanctions?

▲ There was a first round of consultations (between North Korea and the United States) to implement the Singapore Agreement, and there will be practical consultations in the future . We can only see if North Korea wants what it wants.

– A plan to promote a free trade agreement after Britain and Brazil.

▲ D by the end of 2020, the Korea-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will apply until the end of 2020. If it exists a possibility of a "default sheet without agreement" (in which the UK and the EU have no future relationship), the two countries will consult closely.

In the end, FTAs ​​between Korea and the United States should be created to replace the FTA between Korea and the EU. I have agreed to prepare myself for the situation without any hiccups.

– The steel safeguard action of the European Union (EU) worries our industry.

▲ We will work closely with the industry and take countermeasures. We are talking with the EU.

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(London-Yonhap News)

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