[전문의에게 듣는다] Seasonal eye disease


If the air conditioner is used indoors for a long time and the dehumidifier, the room may dry out, causing the eyes to dry out.

The rainy season has begun. The hot and humid rainy season is also painful.

Bacteria can easily multiply and the incidence of keratoconjunctivitis increases.
If you do not get the proper treatment If you have difficulty recovering vision
Drying the eye during prolonged use of dehumidification and air conditioner
Check the humidity of the room …

Epidemic conjunctivitis in summer

The director of the corneal center of Nuneh Eye Hospital

According to the statistics of the seat of the disease, the epidemic keratitis rate was more higher than last year this year. Conjunctivitis, which is always exposed to the outside environment, ignites when it is infected with bacteria, viruses, fungi, and so on. Most seasonal eye diseases are viral conjunctivitis. Of these, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis called Apollo eye disease are typical. Both are highly contagious and special attention must be paid to the rainy season, as bacteria and viruses responsible for eye diseases can easily multiply in hot, humid environments.

Highly contagious epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is contagious for three weeks, so caution should be exercised. Symptoms include severe foreign body sensation, redness, discharge or pain, swelling of the back of the ear with glare. It also causes cold symptoms such as chills, fever and muscle aches. Symptoms last from 3 to 4 weeks If the disease is severe, there may be a film on the surface of the conjunctiva, or there may be turbidity in the cornea, which may result in decreased visual acuity.

If the inflammation spreads to the cornea, the corneal epithelium is taken off and the eyes can not open because of intense pain.

The symptoms of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis are similar to those of conjunctivitis with conjunctivitis and secretions, but the incidence of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is similar to that of epidemic conjunctivitis Acute progression and severe conjunctival bleeding. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis has a short incubation period of 1 to 2 days and can spread very rapidly for at least 4 days after the onset of symptoms.

These pandemic eye diseases are particularly common in children and adolescents living in groups. Most of them are often infected by contact with ophthalmic patients, but they can be infected by using the patient even if they are not in direct contact.

◆ Excessive dehumidifier and air conditioner used to cause dry eye syndrome

The dehumidifier used to remove moisture from the rainy season is a product that prevents the fungus from spreading. , excessive use for a long time can cause the syndrome.

The number of days of heatwaves and tropical nights in Korea has increased since 1994, when the heat wave was recorded in the past. According to the Korean Meteorological Administration, the average duration of tropical days from 1973 to 1993 was 4.0 days and the heat of 8.5 days, but in 1994 ~ 2017, the average tropical day was 7.1 days and the heat of 12.1 days. In order to avoid the heat wave, the air conditioner is turned on until the hour of the day, of course, but air-conditioners such as air conditioners can dry out the eyes by lowering the temperature while drying them. eyes.

Foreign body sensations and frequent blood congestion If body condition is bad, headaches, dizziness, neck or shoulder pain accompany the quality of life.

When the air conditioner is used indoors for a long time as well as the dehumidifier, the room tends to become dry. Therefore, it is best to check the indoor humidity from time to time. When using the dehumidifier, be sure to close all windows and ventilate for one to two hours. This is a good way to get a good night's sleep by adjusting the timer so that it stops 1 to 2 hours after you put the air conditioner to the correct temperature and have it turned off. or slept before sleep. [ad_2]
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