[종합] President Wen Jiathan, Prime Minister of Rice … "Strengthening Political Cooperation in South Korea"


Singapore-Newsweek Jang Yoon-hee, a state-sponsored Singaporean, held a summit meeting with Prime Minister Lee Syeong-ryong at the presidential palace on December 12 to discuss ways to develop the Bilateral Relations, Discussed

President Moon's visit is expected to take place in Singapore for the first time since the 12th North American Summit held last month in Singapore, which should be an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of the new South American summit. And that attracted attention.

President Moon said in a speech at the summit: "President Moon made his first visit to Korea in the second half of this year, We are happy to meet after meeting Lee at the meeting from ASEAN. "Our two countries are called" Four Marines of Asia "after their diplomatic relations in 1975. They are a free and open economy in the process of becoming an advanced country,

Prime Minister Lee said: "We are watching trends in the Korean peninsula and President Moon is praying for the success of prosperity, peace and denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, and I am pleased that this new South-South policy is particularly encouraged. and I hope that the relations with ASEAN and Singapore will be further strengthened. "He said.

Lee Prime Minister praised the leadership efforts of our government, which led to a change in in the circumstances, such as South Summit and North America.

The two leaders shared the view that friendship and cooperation between the two peoples are the most important basis for the development of bilateral relations, and decided to continue to develop trade. Last year, the number of human exchanges between the two countries was about 850,000.

Prime Minister Lee and Prime Minister Lee, while badessing mutual prosperity economic cooperation that the two countries two countries have since promoted,

The two leaders also acknowledged that the two nations, with excellent technology and human resources, are the best partners to lead the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Together To this end, we have agreed to strengthen cooperation in new industries such as smart manufacturing, pin-tec, biomedical and energy.

At the end of the talks, the two leaders were present at the signing ceremony of six memoranda of understanding to promote cooperation between the two countries.

"Freedom and fair trade Cooperation in the framework of cooperation between the two countries will make it possible to conclude a comprehensive economic partnership agreement in the region by the end of the year, and the status of implementation will be verified by the Korea-Singapore FTA Implementation Committee.The two countries agreed to cooperate to establish a free and fair trade order by cooperating to further liberalize the Korea-ASEAN FTA.

Cheong Wa Dae hoped that this agreement would contribute to a mutually beneficial commercial improvement between the two countries, by jointly responding to the protectionism that is spreading on a global scale Lee said: "Korea is acting as a constructive partner in our negotiations on the RCEP and hopes to reach the end of this year. "

The MOU of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the fourth technical cooperation of the Revolution Industrial Acquire advanced technologies and enter the market of third countries. The MOU for environmental cooperation & # 39; discusses strengthening cooperation between the two countries to lay the foundation for entry into the ASEAN region, including water management and wastewater treatment and the fight against climate change. Promote the exchange and internationalization between SMEs and Korean and Singaporean start-ups. In "Smart Grid Cooperation MOU", we decided to seek a joint venture with a third country through smart grid technology that is a smart energy demand management system and an electrical infrastructure system new generation.

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding was also concluded.

After the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding, the two leaders agreed on the main theme of the meeting,

The two leaders presented a joint press release to discuss ways to strengthen the community. friendship and cooperation between the two countries, economic cooperation measures for mutual prosperity and prosperity, and said that he discussed the plan in depth.

President Moon and Prime Minister Lee subsequently organized a friendship event in the Botanical Garden. President Moon participated in the event to put a tag on the orchid grown to commemorate the state visit. "Papilionanda Moon Jae-in" and "Kim Jung-sook".

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