[주장] Division and Civil War …. Yemeni refugees, let's look at each other's eyes


Yemen is located at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, bordered to the north by Saudi Arabia and to the east by Oman. It has a long history of 7000 years, and it was also the scene of the 1000 day festival. He has been in civil war since 2015.

In fact, Yemen is a country unfamiliar to him. Until the arrival of the last 549 refugees on the island of Jeju after the civil war last May. Moreover, our country does not know refugees. Refugee recognition by the government is nothing short of stingy. In 1992, Korea became the No. 1 refugee in 2001 after nine years of joining the Convention on the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention). Korea adopted the Civil Code for the first time in Asia in 2012, but the rate of approval of refugees was only 4.1% in May 2018.

All kinds of false news has hit the plate, and some conservative Protestantism gave a comment to Yemeni refugees on terrorist images. On the other hand, there was a strong voice that the humanitarian should welcome the refugees.

The controversy surrounding the acceptance of refugees in Yemen is hot, but it seems difficult to know what kind of country Yemen has and what kind of history it has. Maybe this ignorance can encourage prejudice.

Yemen Modern History of Hagoromo

Large Image
 A refugee claimant in Yemen was consulted by the NHRCK at the Jeju Emergency Center, Ildo 1-dong, Jeju City, in the afternoon of October 29 .
A candidate for a refugee from Yemen was consulted by the NHRCK at the Jeju Emergency Center in Ildo 1-dong, Jeju-si, on June 29.
ⓒ Yonhap News

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The main reason for Yemeni refugees arriving on the island of Jeju is the civil war in Yemen that began in 2015. However, when we look at the process of the civil war, there are many similarities with ours.

Until 1990, Yemen was divided between the north and the south. Yemen's division began in 1839 in Britain, and 10 years later in 1849, when the Ottoman Turks occupied the southern and northern regions, respectively. If the division of South and North was the product of the Cold War in the 20th century, the division of Yemen was the result of 19th century politics.

"In northern Yemen, Abdullah Al-Salal, who gave nationalism in 1962, was the most influential journalist in the history of North and South Korea. Yemen declared Yemen, a religious leader who could be called the last king of the coup d'etat, but Yememen was banned by the royalist and Egyptian republic that supported Saudi Arabia, and after wars Civilians and repeated military coups, Meanwhile, in Namyemen, which was under British colonial rule, Katan Mohammed al-Sahabi, a nationalist leader of the Marxist order, has successfully led the struggle for freedom. independence, declared the People's Republic of Yemen as the first president.In 1969, the Socialist Party of Yemen took control of the Nanmen,

The two Koreans went through two wars in 1971 and 1978. In 1990, he declared the reunification of Yemen as president Republic of Nigeria, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and President of Alessalem Albeid Namemen as Vice President. The unification of Yemen was done in a way that recognized the regime of each other, not the unification of German absorption.

However, the unification of Yemen did not last long. In 1993, Vice President Alvei was removed from the unified capital of Adana due to inequality.

Prior to that, Yemen supported Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War. It also strongly condemned Saudi Arabia for providing air bases to the United States. Thus, Saudi Arabia expelled 5,000 Yemeni workers who worked in their own country. The international community has also handed over to Yemen. The isolation of the international community and the return of workers in Saudi Arabia have affected Yemen's economy.

The Yemeni war ended with a victory in the northern part of July 1994 and President Saleh entered a long time. The so-called "Arab Spring" that exploded to the Arabs in 2011 brought a new storm to Yemen. The Arab Spring has broken long-term power in the Middle East, such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

The long-term decision collapses at the mercy of the civil war

The resignation of Salé brought another anxiety. Hardy took power through the elections after his resignation. Then, in September 2014, Hatty rebels attacked the Hardy government, which took control of northern Yemen. It is said that the rebels began as Shiite religious-political movements and developed into armed forces against foreign powers such as the United States and Saudi Arabia.

On the other hand, Saleh, who retired at the time of the source of Arabia, tried to resuscitate the Fuji rebels with their backs on their backs.

The situation in Yemen has spread to the international arena with the intervention of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian-led Arab Alliance intervened in the civil war in Yemen in March 2015.

The international community led by the United States and Britain is lukewarm in the situation of Yemen .

Thus, the civil war in Yemen is a miniature of the contradictions of the Middle East region.

However, the Yemeni situation does not have much to suggest on the Korean peninsula: it is not only Yemen, but Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the model that is mainly discussed in the unification speech was the unification of German absorption. However, the Korean peninsula is much more complex than Germany.

Due to the long dictatorship and civil war that last for nearly four years, Yemenis are scattered around the world as they return to their half-world.

I think that our government has a proactive attitude towards refugees in Yemen and that it is very difficult for Yemeni refugees to prevent refugees from Yemen. I hope you have it. This is not because of a tremendous humanism or teachings of certain religions. The people of Yemen are those who have lived a closely related life since 2014 and further in 1990.

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Additional Article | A total of 600,478 people signed the petition on April 3 at 4 pm on the Cheong Wa Dae National Petition Bill entitled "The Abolition of the Law on Illegal Immigration, the 39, illegal immigration, Cheong Wa Dae should reveal his position on refugee law because he exceeded the 200,000 petition criterion.

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