[줌인 아시아] India strikes economy in Muslim persecution, capturing a Hindu god


  ▲ On April 28 (local time) last year, a woman was walking on a cow in Mumbai, India. Mumbai / AP News

▲ On April 28 (local time) last year, a woman drops a cow in Mumbai, India. Mumbai / AP News

75% of the Indian population is a Hindu road worshiping "cattle", and those who are deeply religious do not even cow.

By contrast, for Muslims 14%, cows are one of the main foods.

However, as Hindu supremacy and the anti-Islamic atmosphere in India worsen, the Government of India has been able to increase the number of its indigenous peoples in the country at 132 million Beef is used as a tool to persecute Muslims. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Mody's Hindu People's Party has described Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "law on the small guard" on Wednesday (October 16th), noting that the economy also suffers from the divergent treatment of Indian society around cows and Muslims. In India, Indian beef exports of $ 4 billion (about 4.5 trillion won) decreased by 15 percent. 100 in five years. In India, Hindu elites are forced to "vegetarian" throughout society while avoiding meat.

These conditions have closed the door on approximately 50,000 butchers and put an end to the traditional livestock industry.

Last year, Prime Minister of India, Prime Minister Uttar Pradesh, said that he had no intention of making any changes in the country . With the election of the far-right Hindu Yogiadiyanat, Muslim cottages living in this province have more difficulties. The provincial government is obliged to move slaughterhouses out of the city for reasons of local hygiene. "We are not anti-Muslim," said a state spokesman at WP. "There is a bit of confusion, but no one can lead an unauthorized butcher."

That is why a third of the 2,200 Muslims in the Mahiran city of Uttar Pradesh are unemployed, and the number of unemployed, almost all slaughterhouses have been closed, said the WP. In this atmosphere, the Hindu extremist crowd carries a "little vigilante" and threatens trucks carrying cows because they are looking for smugglers. Some remaining ranchers spend 30% more on transportation costs because of police and villagers confiscating cows and cars. The mbad beat also leads to killing. On June 18, Muslim cattle ranchers were lynched and killed by these extremists.

Muslim persecution in Indian society using beef creates deeper divisions between Hindus and Muslims in the community. "After the introduction of this government, people seem to be Muslim for the first time," said Eunice Kurecey, a Mahavani harvester. "They want to break our livelihoods and even change what we eat, we are persecuted to be Muslims."

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