[창간특집] Mountain Acid, Tuberculosis Hepatitis B


The beginning of trade between North and South means that people can start coming and going, but it also means that they can go free. That is why North Korea has been a distant country despite the fact that the country was infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2015,

. What about the current situation of infectious diseases in North Korea? In addition to tuberculosis, malaria, parasites, water-borne diseases, measles and other infectious diseases are the most common infectious diseases in North Korea. In the case of malaria, Korea is in the process of eradication, but North Korea is still in the pre-eradication phase. According to the WHO, the number of malaria infections in North Korea, which peaked at 23,537 in 2012, decreases each year due to the efforts of international organizations to combat them.

North Korean soldiers were shot dead at the end of last year. Dozens of parasites have been found in North Korea, the rate of parasitic infestation in North Korea is estimated in the 70s-80s. According to the CDC, 35.5% of juvenile defectors and 24.6% of adults were infected with parasites.

However, experts say that a particularly serious problem among infectious diseases is that of chronic infections rather than acute infections.

Chronic infections such as tuberculosis and hepatitis B are among the chronic infectious diseases that should be transmitted at every moment of life, even if the chronic infection is treated. According to the Korean Liver Association, the rate of infection with the hepatitis B virus in Korea is 3-4%. About 40,000 patients with chronic hepatitis are estimated. We also had a prevalence of hepatitis B in the 1980s by 10%. However, in order to prevent vertical infections caused by maternal infections in newborns, vaccination against hepatitis B has been administered to pregnant women. The incidence fell to 0.7 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016 (OECD statistics).

The prevalence rate of hepatitis B in North Korea is officially 4 ~ 5%. The prevalence rate of WHO hepatitis B was 4.5% in 2003 and 4.7% in 2009. However, the prevalence of hepatitis B in North Korea, which was informally investigated by NGOs in 2016, is 15%. Differences in the prevalence of hepatitis B in North Korea, whether it is formal or informal, are due to the fact that it is not possible to conduct a specific survey on the real situation and that it must rely on the official announcement of the North Korean government.

However, experts speculate that the state of Hepatitis B in North Korea is unusual because of the demand for a "blood vessel ligation tool" in North Korea during the period of trade with North Korea.

In patients with oesophageal bleeding resulting in oesophageal hemorrhage, they will die if they do not immediately bind the blood vessels through the endoscope. This is the vessel ligation tool.

Infections caused by vertical infection, reuse of consumables, etc. As experts first asked in North Korea, many people with chronic hepatitis B were found in North Korea.

Professor Kim, Kim of the National Cancer Center Cancer Center said that the cause of infectious hepatitis B infection is increased due to the increase in neonatal infections caused by the incision vertical hats, reuse of disposable consumables such as syringes

Professor Gigi said: "In order to prevent vertical infection of the plug, a new vaccine should be administered from the birth of the newborn. the mother is a carrier, the vaccine will not only be given, but the antibody, "However, to do this, we must first do a maternity test (since it is carrying the drug). 39, hepatitis B), but North Korea is not nearly impossible because the health system itself is not well equipped. "19659002] Professor Kagi said," As the 39 Hepatitis B spreads in the blood, blood used for transfusion guine needs to be examined properly. "In some cases, the screening system for blood products is mediocre.

Professor Gigi said: "Although there is a national system for monitoring hepatitis B, there is a report on hepatitis related to hepatitis." do not disclose anything,

According to the badysis of the current situation, it is necessary to reduce the rate of infection of infants

Therefore, the first investigation into the current state of hepatitis B in North Korea should be carried out. It's intellectual. Based on the investigation, it is necessary to support the vaccine and immunoglobulin to prevent vertical infection.

Professor Gyu said: "It's not easy to reduce the number of adults with hepatitis B and it's not easy at the level of health care in our country and there is no case in the world. "

The director of the health promotion center, Kwon Hyuk Chun, of the National Center for Drugs and Drugs, said, "First, it is the first thing to understand." In Korea , the national health check … There is.

Kwon, the director of the Center, said, "If you want to do such tests in central hospitals or public health centers, and let them handle the center," If there is a lack of medical technology on this basis, it is important to educate and support it if the infrastructure is lacking. "

Lee Min-joo, reporter, [email protected]

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