[최강폭염, 건강한 주말보내기 ①] Do not you even exercise in the heat …? Drink often with water


[최강폭염, 건강한 주말보내기 ①] Do not even exercise in the heat …?

– The football fanatic Ohmy (35), a few days ago, had a hot weather (a few days ago) We participated in a football match. After a few weeks of training in the heat, my body could not stand it. However, even though I was still able to sweat football in time, my whole body was quickly soaked with sweat. While I was breathing, I had dizziness to my head and I replaced it with someone else. Fortunately, I rested in the shade and drank water.

It is not easy to go out in the open because it is over 30 degrees each day. In such a time, even healthy people can do some exercise. In addition, if you have a chronic illness or an elderly person, it is more difficult to exercise. However, if you are a mania that is difficult to work with, you can often end your training by drinking frequent midterm and taking frequent breaks.

A professor of family medicine at the Gangnam Center of the Seoul National University Hospital said, "If you are exercising in hot weather, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be increased by dehydration and hyperventilation due to dehydration. "It is easy to become tight in the legs, and in the elderly, there is an increased risk of heat-related illnesses such as spasms, fever and stroke heat, fatigue and leg cramps caused by dehydration

Chronic diseases and the elderly easily suffer from fatigue, leg cramps and heat-related illnesses when dehydration accompanies heat. The most common symptom is "tiredness." This is because the amount of water to absorb is greater than the amount of water and salt to be absorbed.In hot environments, a transpiratio Sudden n occurs for the control of body temperature, resulting in dehydration and exhaustion faster than usual.

Professor Choi said, "Fatigue is a warning signal sent by the body to adapt, so it is better to stop the exercise and rest with it. water." If you continue to exercise while ignoring fatigue, (heat cramps, fever, heat stroke, etc.) will occur, "he said. heart, you should focus more on the signals of your body.On a hot day, even a normal exercise intensity can cause chest pain and excessive breathing.As the sweat secretions and the fluids diminish, the heart and lungs have to do more work and the number of breaths increases and dehydration progresses more quickly.

Professor Choi said, "In fact, it's the same intensity. exercise, but our body feels a higher intensity. "During exercise in a warm environment, it is best to control the intensity of 10 to 30% On the hot day, it is necessary to adjust exercise and rest time appropriately e by the cycle method of "10 minutes of exercise, 10 minutes of rest" in addition to the prevention of dehydration.

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