[카드뉴스] What are the infectious diseases and preventative measures that should be more cautious before going on a summer vacation?


[한국스포츠경제=한승희 기자] Before going on vacation in summer, you must first know about infectious diseases. Especially in summer, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that heat waves and tropical nights are frequent throughout the country, that mosquitoes and parasites increase and that they are more exposed to the risk of diseases. infectious. What infectious diseases should be more cautious in the summer?

Typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is an infectious fever caused by Salmonella typhi. It is transmitted by bacteria from the stool or urine of the patient or carrier.When the infection occurs, it is incubated for 1 to 3 weeks and the fever persists for 3 to 4 weeks. Adults have constipation, pediatric diarrhea is common, but most of the liver and spleen are slightly larger and the skin has a red spot called 'pink'.

As a precaution, always wash your hands before eating and after the bowel movements, always boil the water of the outbreak, and cook or food dispensers should still

Bacterial Dysentery

Bacterial dysentery is caused by Shigella and causes acute infectious colitis. It spreads through contaminated water or food in the patient's stool and causes an acute onset of fever, abdominal pain and vomiting by incubation for 3 to 4 days.

Preventive measures require isolation of the patient, proper disinfection of excrement, personal hygiene and frequent hand washing.


Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholerae and is a diarrhea caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water. Usually, when the bacteria enter the body, they are attached to the intestinal mucosa and cause diarrhea by toxins and cause acute diarrhea after 1 to 2 days of incubation. If the diarrhea is severe, dehydration can cause shock.

As a precaution, patients with diarrhea do not participate in cooking activities and must be appropriately disinfected when they are admitted to the hospital. In addition, food suspected to be an infectious source should be investigated and prevented.

Seunghee Han reporter [email protected]
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