[탐사플러스] 40 refused admission to the hospital … Patients with "Yakov disease"



& quot; Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease & quot; … it's one of the few diseases known as "human mad cow disease" and similar diseases. Although the cause of the disease as well as the treatment has not been identified, it has recently been confirmed that the number of patients is increasing rapidly. Our JTBC reporters met a family of patients with Yakov's disease and were told that they had been denied admission to 40 hospitals.

Journalist Kim Ji-ah will deliver


A rumor has spread in the hospital that a "mad cow patient" is hospitalized earlier this year.

[제보자 : 저희가 바로 옆 병실이라서 회진 돌 때 하는 얘기 듣기도 했고, 광우병 걸렸다는 얘기를 (들었어요.)]

[기자 : (가족분과) 잠깐 얘기하고 싶습니다.]

Song's son, Aimo, who was in a difficult interview, said his illness was so bad that his healthy mother could not recognize his family in a month.

In January, Song was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, known as CJD.

CJD designated as Third Group Infectious Disease, Including Tuberculosis and Leprosy,

Variant CJD known as "Human Mad Cow Disease" has not yet been reported in Korea [19659007] The song is one of these so-called "sporadic CJD"

"sporadic CJD" each year The patient is stretched

[김상윤/서울대병원 신경과 교수 : 나이나 성별이나, 이 사람들의 영상 자료라든지, 이런 것들을 모아 놓은 것이 없기 때문에 연구가 안 되죠.]

In reality, Song was confirmed as being sporadic CJD, and he said that it was impossible to heal in the hospital.

Since then, only 40 hospitals have refused admission

[OO병원 의사 : 저는 의사지만 병원 입장도 있거든요. 일회용(진료도구) 사용하고 폐기하고 특수소독해야 하는데, 그걸 당해낼 재간이 없는 거죠.]

There is no room for patients with rare diseases who have not even been identified.


During this process, the family had to fight not only the fear of an unknown disease, but also the eye around

[이모 씨 : 간병인 선생님도 어머니의 병 증상을 말씀드리면 많이 좀 꺼려 하시다가, 오셨다가도 한 며칠 하시고 가는 분도 계시고.]

Song a finally moved to the National Medical Center but died of complications in April

[이모 씨 : 응급실 가시기 직전에 제 여동생이랑 이렇게 부둥켜안고 우셨대요. 이 집에서 보내는 마지막 시간인 것 같다는 느낌이 왔던 것 같은데…]

In the dead corner of the controversy over the "mad cow disease", the suffering of Yakov's disease and his family enlarges

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